Well-Known Member
Carolyn wrote:
I haven't had a chance to check on his feet yet,he gets aggressive when I try to pick him up. I stopped using theNeosporin and Peroxide, it says on the label to not use morethan a week. Still they're healing alone too. I haven't put cardboardbecause I can't find any lol. Pam told me his breed on another post along time ago, she said he looked like a harlequin(magpie) Mini Rex.
The only reason the troll didn't upset me wasbecause I couldn't tell it was a troll. StillI always try tobe friendly to newcomers.Nepo prefers going on the littletable that's circled below instead of his box lol.m.e. wrote:
pm'd Carolyn
best to ignore them...![]()
Thanks m.e.
* * * * * *
I'm glad the troll didn't upset you. I was undert the impression thatyou would've been, but seeing how you replied to this post, you handledit really well.
Nepo's new diggs are beautiful! It looks like the he's adjusted JustFine to it. He's got the sweetest face.It's a home built for aKing, no doubt.
His foot's healing quite well. So glad to see that! Keep me posted here or in PM on how he's doing.
Give him a big smooch for me, and I have to tell you, the bunny in thatpicture that kinda looks like Nepo isn't half as cute as Our Boy!Nepo's got it over him ten-fold!
P.S. If you wish to know Nepo's breed/breeds, your best bet is to have Pamnock take a guess.

I haven't had a chance to check on his feet yet,he gets aggressive when I try to pick him up. I stopped using theNeosporin and Peroxide, it says on the label to not use morethan a week. Still they're healing alone too. I haven't put cardboardbecause I can't find any lol. Pam told me his breed on another post along time ago, she said he looked like a harlequin(magpie) Mini Rex.