I think that he's coming out of it .I hope so!
Happy New years eve!!!
I know I am coming into this kinda late, but I did want to post for future reference.Iam just not sure of the medications. I have not given her theantibiotic yet.
Can you tell me your experience with baytril? I don't mean tobring up bad memories but I think its always good to hear about otherppl's experiences esp with medicines that are regularly prescribed forrabbits.Bunnyslave, thanks for the info on theantibiotic. The vet gave me a pediatric liquidsuspension. I probably should have given it to her but I wasafraid to because of a bad experience with baytril and my otherbunny. Thanks Beckie
Just wanted to double check that the oats you are giving her are the"old fashion" kind and not the "quick oats". Quick oatsaren't recommended for bunnies and I find that my buns won't eat thequick oats (my bf accidently bought the quick oats when i was out oftown and when I found out I was relieved that they hadn't eaten themanyways... whew!!) But the "old fashion" oats they devour!Well, now the poops are the right color. No luckwith the oats.
I have talked to many veterinarians, breeders, HRS, and read articlesthat do not recommend "quick oats" b/c they can swell in the bunny'stummy and cause bloat. Every bunny is different in terms ofsensitivity so your bunny may have a strong digestive system (HURRAYFOR THAT!) but personally I wouldn't take the risk and would recommendswitching to "old fashion" oats.:shock:I think I give my rabbit the quick oats.What's the problem with them? She loves them. Also, do you know how topost pictures? I have a bundleful I want to post!
albon is also known as sulfadimethoxine but sulfa-trimethoprim (what2bunmom originally asked about) is known as sulfadiazine.they are sulfa drugs but with different compounds associated with itthat will enhance antimicrobial activity (destroying/inhibiting ofmicroorganismal growth).Albon is a sulfonamidedrugused in small animals for the treatment of respiratory,genitourinary (genital/urinary organs and functions), enteric and softtissue infections caused by susceptible organisms includingstreptococcus, staphylococcus, escherichia, salmonella, klebsiella,proteus, and shigella.Is the sulfa drug the same as Albon, ??