I think Petromalt or Laxatone(?) is recommended as a preventative measure for molting bunnies, it's just not good for a bunny that already has a problem.
My bunnies normally pop out of a gas attack with normal poops, so his system is a bit upset, either from whatever caused the gas, or from the gas itself.
As well as the pumpkin, I'd make sure he's drinking a lot by giving him an additional crock of water spiked with a little carrot or apple juice. (Or give him some Pedialyte which he should drink from a syringe). That and lots of hay should help no matter what the problem is.
It's more likely a veggie caused the gas than the pellets I think,although every bunny is different.'Poopy butt' is often caused by too much protein or too many carbs, the pellets are the usual suspects, but I don't know if his poop is cecal or fecal matter,so I don't knowwhetherrestricting pelletsor veggies is best, it's such a 'crap shoot' (pardon the pun).
A food sensitivity or a bad spot on a veggie (or if he's a free run bun like Dill, he may have picked something up off the floor) is the usual problem here, although if he's a hairy critter in a molt, maybe it's a hair hare thing. (Stringy poops are okay, btw, it means the hair is passing unimpeded).
If he's not better in a day or two, the vet will probably prescribe a gut motility drug -- Cisapride, which moves the food/hair through the stomach, and/or
Metoclopramide, which I believe stimulates the intestines.
Good luck with him!
sas :clover: