Need suggestions on keeping bunnies cool in super hot room

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2006
Reaction score
Queens, New York, USA
Hi Again,

My rabbits' bedroom is really hot now. I have the window openbut its not helping much. I filled up a bunch of mytupperware with ice and put it in their cages. Rice wassitting on top of her container. I don't have a fan and theair conditioner is in my living room because that's the only window itwill fit in. I'll try and get a fan sometime soon but in themeantime is there anything else i can do for them to keep them cooler?
Try putting some frozen water bottles in their cage and closing all the blinds that you can.
I dont have any water bottles. That'swhy i was using plastic containers. I guess there's not muchelse that can be done. I'll probably end up moving them in tothe living room while its sunny and im away at work and then back intheir room at night for now.

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