New Member
Hello all,
My rabbit is 2.5 months old and she spends almost ALL of her time in the cage, despite hours and hours when her cage is open and she is free to explore (from 7 am until 12 pm). I have had her for 2/3 weeks now and when she does get curious, she runs back into her cage. I think this is partly due to my floor being tiles and not carpet/something she can grip onto, so she is probably fearful that she won't be able to get away easily if she is attacked.
Anyway, since she spends so much time in her safe/secure cage, I wanted to provide more toys and enrichment opportunities for her, or do something to improve it! I didn't really plan for her to be in her cage as much but she does not want to leave it, so I want her to be entertained inside her cage while she begins to feel comfortable outside of it. Do you think she will ever feel comfortable outside of it?
I am just wondering how I can improve her cage or any toy ideas that I can add. I bought her a few store bought chew toys and things and she hasn't even touched them, just sniffed them. But then I made a toiler paper springy toy and she plays with it the most (she mostly just sleeps and eats and shivers when I'm near lol). Is there anything I can add to make it more fun or comfortable? I put some pictures, the little dome at the top has a hole facing the other way with a few little towel pieces. I don't put any food at the top because she usually poops while eating and I don't really want her pooping/peeing on the carpeted area if I can help it. I also just really want her to get exercise because she doesn't get out of her cage during the day and while I'm sleeping, I have no idea what she is doing (I'm assuming sleeping, maybe playing a bit because I don't ever hear her one room away). So I'm worried she's getting no exercise and I have her on all alfalfa hay/pellets (Should I start giving her Timothy stuff earlier?)!
It's really messy in there because I haven't cleaned it yet today, I'm doing that after I write this
I would also like to mention that there are things in here that are 'unsafe' for bunnies to chew. She doesn't she ANYTHING except for hay. She has nibbled a few times but prefers not to chew things (she doesn't even chew the boxes I've given her).
My rabbit is 2.5 months old and she spends almost ALL of her time in the cage, despite hours and hours when her cage is open and she is free to explore (from 7 am until 12 pm). I have had her for 2/3 weeks now and when she does get curious, she runs back into her cage. I think this is partly due to my floor being tiles and not carpet/something she can grip onto, so she is probably fearful that she won't be able to get away easily if she is attacked.
Anyway, since she spends so much time in her safe/secure cage, I wanted to provide more toys and enrichment opportunities for her, or do something to improve it! I didn't really plan for her to be in her cage as much but she does not want to leave it, so I want her to be entertained inside her cage while she begins to feel comfortable outside of it. Do you think she will ever feel comfortable outside of it?
I am just wondering how I can improve her cage or any toy ideas that I can add. I bought her a few store bought chew toys and things and she hasn't even touched them, just sniffed them. But then I made a toiler paper springy toy and she plays with it the most (she mostly just sleeps and eats and shivers when I'm near lol). Is there anything I can add to make it more fun or comfortable? I put some pictures, the little dome at the top has a hole facing the other way with a few little towel pieces. I don't put any food at the top because she usually poops while eating and I don't really want her pooping/peeing on the carpeted area if I can help it. I also just really want her to get exercise because she doesn't get out of her cage during the day and while I'm sleeping, I have no idea what she is doing (I'm assuming sleeping, maybe playing a bit because I don't ever hear her one room away). So I'm worried she's getting no exercise and I have her on all alfalfa hay/pellets (Should I start giving her Timothy stuff earlier?)!
It's really messy in there because I haven't cleaned it yet today, I'm doing that after I write this