Need some opinions on bunny toys!

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Well-Known Member
May 21, 2006
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Fordoche, Louisiana, USA
Okay, so, I decided this weekend, I would order some cool new stuff for Harper online. My first stop is

I'm getting him a new grass mat to lay and chew on. Should I get:

Harper loves to chew, and will no doubt destruct the mat. He will mostlikely ingest it too. Is that safe? I know it's safe to chew, but I'mnot sure about eating it...

Next, I would like to get him one of these:

Any experiences/suggestions on that?

Okay, that's it for now... you may now call me a paranoid weirdo. :craziness

I would actually recommend getting grass mats from this site:

You can get larger mats, less expensive mats, and there's more varietyto choose from. Plus it benefits a shelter.;) I've seenPeter's mats in Petsmart and I'm not impressed with what you get forthe money.

I actually use dragongrass mats from Pier 1. They have beenfumigated but should still be safe. The answer you get fromthe company depends on who you talk to- literally. (Actually,any imported products like this have most likely been fumigated, eventhose in pet stores). I choose to use them, but not everybodydoes. Oh, and they're huge and $5.:D

As for the last product, all you need is a cheap small pot or leftoverjar/tray from something else, some potting soil, and some grassseed. Sometimes you can find packets of wheat or oat seed,too, which is also good. Chances are you can get most of thisstuff around your house or from a friend. IMO, those grasspots are way overpriced.

Hope that helps!
Hehe a little mini bunny shopping spree! What a spoiled little boy! :D

I don't know much about the grass mats. I do know that thegrassis notworth buying. You can usually get theexact same thing at pet stores for like 60 cents. They also gobythename of Cat grass and Oat grass. Pepsi wouldgo through that tub in minutes, so I grow my own and she loves it!

On Pepsi's first birthday, I went out and spent I think it was $30 orsomething in treats and toys. She loved the treats but she just sniffedthe toys and left them.. NowPepsi's favourite toys arecardboard popflats, cardboard boxes, willow branches, andpaper towel tubes stuffed with hay :D. Anything she canrip upand destroy.. she loves! :)
Oh man, you rock! You just gave me a great idea for Harper, with the putting hay inside a paper towel roll. He'll LOVE it!!

Does your bunny actually ingest the cardboard? Harper had an intestinalblockage about 3 months ago, luckily no surgery was needed. They gavehim lots of laxatives, and he was given 3 days to poop his littlebrains out, or he'd have to have the surgery. Anyways, I'd like to givehim cardboard boxes and stuff to play with, I just don't want himingesting a bunch of cardboard.:huh

As a side note, Harper got blocked because I was using cardboard chipsas bedding. Now, he has no bedding, just a litter box, which he'spretty good about going in. Usually. Lol
Your welcome.

Pepsi does eat most of it when she rips the strips off. I've never hada problem with a blockage due tocardboard, just one from a"hairball" ( looking back I actually think it was gas but thevet thought it was a hairball). She also eats a lot of shredded paperand has never had a problem. I guess you could see, and if he starts toeats a lot take it away? The pop flat she has, she's chewed away allthe sides so it's just the bottem practically and barely any pieces ofcardboard, so i'm guessing she's eaten most of it.

My bunnies also love wicker baskets and Pebbles chews them and eats thepieces. Untreated wickerbaskets make great toys also :). Fun to hop in,through around, turn over, and chew.

I love making free bunnytoys :D
Ooooooo, I'll have to look for some untreatedwicker baskets! Harper loves any and all toys, he's very playful, buthe especially loves something he can just purely destroy. So thingslike paper towel rolls and wicker baskets, and cardboard boxes areperfect for him, and cost me practically nothing. :elephant:

If he likes to destory, cardboard boxes aregood. Pebbles is a hug destroyer and I put a coffee pot box in (perfectsize) and she chewed a hole in one side of the box, and the roof isalmost all gone from her ripping it up. Was pretty annoying when shelived in my room though! :D
LOL! Yeah, Harper's a big destroyer. If he canreach it, he'll have it shredded in no time. I kind of ran out thingsfor him to chew on there for a while, and we went through 3 litterboxes in a matter of a month or so. He chewed 'em down to nothing, thatlittle stinker.

Fortunately, his new apple sticks and grass mat is on the way to keephim occupied, along with his paper towel roll full of hay, and ahide-out cardboard box. Yep, he better be happy now! :D
Lol...I thought I was the only one thatdecided to just use the mats anyway. The thought I came to onit is the fact that SO MANY bunnies have chewed these mats for SO LONG,and there had been ZERO I still use them. Wehave them in each of our bunnies' cages. Maisie's thoroughlytrashed one of them, but them being enough to cover two NIC panels andonly being about $5 (and being on sale A LOT of the time) isgreat! Maisie went through the second mat you posted aboutwithin a couple DAYS. :(

I hadn't thought of getting them grass...what a great idea! :)

naturestee wrote:
IYou can get largermats, less expensive mats, and there's more variety to choose from.Plus it benefits a shelter.;) I've seen Peter's mats inPetsmart and I'm not impressed with what you get for themoney.

I actually use dragongrass mats from Pier 1. They have beenfumigated but should still be safe. The answer you get fromthe company depends on who you talk to- literally. (Actually,any imported products like this have most likely been fumigated, eventhose in pet stores). I choose to use them, but not everybodydoes. Oh, and they're huge and $5.:D

As for the last product, all you need is a cheap small pot or leftoverjar/tray from something else, some potting soil, and some grassseed. Sometimes you can find packets of wheat or oat seed,too, which is also good. Chances are you can get most of thisstuff around your house or from a friend. IMO, those grasspots are way overpriced.

Hope that helps!
Hmm I'm not sure. I guess they have there prosand cons for both. I'd go with the little ones, just so he can maybepick them up and throw them around. I wouldn't worry about the choking,I don't think itcould happen.

*Edit- If he really likes to chew then the big ones would probably bebetter, might last him longer. So I don't know, guess it's up to you!
I've been looking in to the grass mats and baskets myself. The ones posted gives me some good ideas on what to get my bunch!!

Mine LOVE the paper towel and toilet paper rolls, with or without haystuffed in them. They too rip them up and ingest some, but it's neverhurt them. I can hear them all night throwing them around! Make greatand CHEAP toys!! hehe

Mine also like the run of the mill plastic baby keys. They tend to becheaper then the rabbit version that they sell in the pet stores.
Another good thing for chewers is an untreatedpine cone. We gave one to Holly and werent really sure if she liked itor not. (Upon investigation it was found that she indead had beenchewing on the top of the cone.) she also loves to destroy boxes. Shealso likes to shred the thin FedEx envelopes. She does chew on thepieces she rips off but so far we havent seen any problems. We startedher with one of those as a deturent to digging on the carpet, easy toslide under her and also made of recycled material.
Daisy, that's a great idea about the untreated pine cones, I'll definitely have to try that. :cool:

Also, I just threw apaper towel roll stuffed with timothy hayinto my guinea pigs' cage, and she is tearing that thing apart. Sheloves it!

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