need some help!! Pregnant or not?

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Mar 11, 2005
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I have an 9month old dutch bunny who is my familyand I--- best friend. About 3 wks ago my friendbrought her bunny with her when she visited. This visitingbunny's name is daisy--a girl-- at least wethought!! Daisy mounted my hunny bunny withinseconds.Now my hunny bunny is starting toact very strange. She won't eat her pellets onlywants alfalfa, carrots, andapples. She startedpulling big ammts of hair out of her stomach, chest, and alittle fromher rump. She sleeps all the time or she is scratching at thebottom of her cage. She does not want anything to do with myfamily except for me.. Is my baby pregnant?? Idon't know what to expect!! Please some one help!!!Please!! I can't sleep becuz i am so worried about my babygirl!!
oh--she also stole one of my t-shirts and took it in her home. is it ok to leave it in there?

thank-you she camein contact with male the morning of the 18th. do theynormally stopped eating as much when they are pregnant??
sometimes does will start humping other does oreven bucks, often when they are in heat or to establishdominance. however it does sound like your doe isp.g. stick a nestbox in asap and keepitWARM! don't over feed your doe, keep her feeddown like 50% the few days before and after kindling (givingbirth) to prevent mastitis. and if her litter diesor a few kits die be prepared--it is sad but part of rabbit breeding.

when they mated, did you notice if Daisy squealed and fell off the side of your doe?

and if you want your tshirt back take it out!

daisy fell off of my hunny bunny about 4different times before we could catch toseparate.. she made a bed out of my tshirt and she is now as we speak piling her pullen hair on top of theshirt. I don't care about the tshirt > just my baby
daisy did not squeal but did fall off the side ofher 4 times... does that mean there is a pretty good chanceshe is preg?
i would say she is pregnant.

Everybody--lets try to stop these unwanted litters. theanimal rights people are really pushing us hard to give up breeding, insome places more than others. unfortunatly the people who will sufferis we breeders who mean to do it and do it for a reason.please keep all rabbits in seperate cages EVEN IF you are told they areboth the same sex because most often they are not. everytimei see someone posting about an unexpected litter i get this oh no,groaning, not again feeling, but every time i see someone posting aboutresponsibly deciding to breed for a good reason other thantojust get baby bunnies, i feel glad and happy. weneed moreresponsible breeders to stop the animal rightsactivists and and fewerunexpected babies and people who breedonly for profit and do not handle their rabbits.please email your state reps andsenators to shut up the ARA'sand email especially the New York people as they are the closest topassing"badlaws". for specific reasons oremailspleasepm me but this is will actually increase the numberofrabbits inshelters if the breeder licensing laws pass. and noneofus want to see that. "the squeaky wheel gets thegrease" and right now it is the ARA's who are squeaking. LETSSQUEAK LOUDER!!!!!

solets do our best to prevent mistake litters andpleasepass that on to all petowners. anddon't buy from pet stores--it only encourages them to sell more rabbitsthat will wind up in shelters due to never being loved orhandled. all pets should be bought from breeders because theydo receive this care usually, anddo not getasstressed, and are healthier.

not to say that you did anything wrong, hunnybunny. :)
call ur friend with daisy and ask her to sex the rabbit. if its a female than she isnt pregnant, u can tell males from females

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