Need Ideas on how to get rid of

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I tried one of the herbal remedies several yearsago and it didn't work. These were like wipes and ended upbeing worthless.

I take a vacuum cleaner bag outside and spray it to saturation withflea spray, let it dry, put it in the vac and vacuumeverything. You can toss the bag or use it more thanonce. I found I have to vacuum several time to get rid of thebuggers.

When combing the animals, I keep a jar of vaseline and a paper towelhandy. A little vaseline on the end of a finger really picksthe fleas off and keeps them from jumping away.
Gypsy, my motherinlaw just rescued two more kittens... (I think she now has something like 19 cats in her house now...)

And they have fleas. They are too young to use any of theflea products, so the vet said to get some Johnsons babyshampoo. Lather them up, leave it on for 10 minutes and thenrinse.

Dont know if it works or not since the Advantage worked on my furkids (thank goodness!)

There's this guy on TV that says that sprayingLavander Oil around will deter the darn things!! I don't knowhow slippery this will make the floors or what it will do tocarpeting! He also said that Vitamin B taken internally(shots, pills) will make the fleas leave a dogs body....didn't sayanything about cats.:? ????Charlotte
Ants!!!!! This worked for me(accidently found this out). I had carpenter ants in one ofthe houses I had been renting. Damn things seemed to beeverywhere!! My son, left the top of the Maple Syrup canopen. One morning I decided to have a waffle. Idon't put my glasses on, first thing in the morning. Ibuttered the waffle & then poured the Syrup onto it.In the semi-darkness I saw "lumps" in the syrup. Knowing thatI didn't buy Blueberry syrup, I went & got myglasses. The "lumps" were the carpenter ants!!
Hundreds of them!!! After that I no longer had an ant problemin that house. When my Mother-In-Law said she had a problemwith ants, I bought her a "Ball Jar" and punched a hole in the top andput about an inch of syrup in it. Ants go in...cant getout!!! End of problem!
dootsmom wrote:
Ants!!!!! This worked for me (accidently foundthis out). I had carpenter ants in one of the houses I hadbeen renting. Damn things seemed to be everywhere!!My son, left the top of the Maple Syrup can open. One morningI decided to have a waffle. I don't put my glasses on, firstthing in the morning. I buttered the waffle & thenpoured the Syrup onto it. In the semi-darkness I saw "lumps"in the syrup. Knowing that I didn't buy Blueberry syrup, Iwent & got my glasses. The "lumps" were the carpenterants!!
Hundreds of them!!! After that I no longer had an ant problemin that house. When my Mother-In-Law said she had a problemwith ants, I bought her a "Ball Jar" and punched a hole in the top andput about an inch of syrup in it. Ants go in...cant getout!!! End of problem!
LMAO !!!!!!!!! Good thing you saw Lumpsbefore you started eating . omgwhat a surprise for first thingin the morning !!!!!!!

I have to put my glasses on first thing upon openingthe eyes otherwise Iwould certainly trip over something unseen from that distance;) .

LOL Thisis a lesson learned Put them Glasses ON first!! lol.

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