Need Ideas on how to get rid of

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First let me explain the Major Problem .

Bitzy My Female catis deathly allergic to Any and AllFlea preperations onthe market , includingthe Herbal ones . Sprays are out of thequestion as is Bombs , She cant evenwalk on it after treatments have beenvacumed off the floors andrugs. Plus I have a 13 lb Boathat would need to relocate tilleverything was cleaned up . plus 4 othersmaller snakes and Pythons . Plus2 birds . Plus having Asthma,sprays and bombs just aggravate mybreathing .

My ankles are fixing to Divorce me , theyItch , swell and are a generalpain you know where , just lower south .

I have one of the Victor Flea traps . (comes with sticky paper and light ) Itdoes work , to a point, The more clever Fleas wont gonear it and lay in ambush for me towalk by . I am at the end ofmy short rope withFleas and have no clue where toturn next , Does anyone have anysuggestions .

Edit to say : None of theRabbits have them thankfuly ,been checked and rechecked repeatedly to be on the safe side .
Last year I was able touse FrontLine for her , but not this year, poor baby with in 3minutes she was gasping and panting, acting all weird . I had toinediately stick her in the sinkand use Dawn dishsoap to get it off her skin .then had to shoot her up with LiquidBenidryll , Took the poor baby 1/2 hr tocome back round to semi normal .

I have never seen a cat thisallergic to anything in my life .Poor baby has to spend the nightat the Vets everytime I get herher Shots too , same reaction ,
My best tip is to put a little Boric Acid Powder(you know the 'roach powder' in the big yellow plastic bottle lol) intoyour vacuum. Vacuum every day or as often aspossible. When the fleas and eggs get vacuumed up, the boricacid will kill them. Also, wash all bedding, rugs, etc. inhot soapy water.

Fleas really don't live on animals. They spend most of theirlives in rugs, carpets, grass were they lay eggs and breed.They only hop on a animal to feed, so if you can get them where theylive, then you can get rid of them.

PS - They are also attracted to the color white, so you may be gettingattacked more if you wear white socks or are very light-skinned.

LOL Freckle faced RedHead suggest anything LOL .ya very light skinnedespeciallybecause I hide these uggie legs ofmine lol .
My sister said once she read somewhere reguler shampoo and dawn dishsoap mixed together.

Hey y'all. I have a crazyidea/question...would it be bad (or wrong) to shave pets that could beinfected with fleas or mites?
I dont think its a badidea Im just nnot real sure howthe animals would react to it tho . Bitzyis a short haired cat to start with .

Funny I just had an imageof a totally nekkidCat :laugh:
:laugh: Oh Gypsy, you can't be THAT light-skinned...or can you?

gypsy wrote:
LOL Freckle faced Red Headsuggest anything LOL . ya verylight skinned especiallybecauseI hide these uggie legs of mine lol .
You gave me a good chuckle today, lady.

gypsy wrote:
I dont think its a bad ideaIm just nnot real sure how theanimals would react to it tho . Bitzy isa short haired cat to start with .

Funny I just had an imageof a totally nekkidCat :laugh:

The more I think about it, it seems like a good idea, especially if thepet (cat, dog, rabbit, whatever) has trouble with fleas, mites orticks. I guess those parasites can still latch on, butperhaps there would be less...? Serioiusly, can this bedone? Gypsy, Pam? Anyone?
We had a dog that had allergic reactions toeverything, Irish Spring soap is what our vet suggested, and it seemedto work better than anything else. It seemed like we were bathing thepoor thing about once a week, but it may have been longer.It's been so many years ago I can't remember.

My sister-in-law has tried it, and she likes the liquid soap better than the bar. Anyway, just a suggestion.

Kricket wrote:
gypsy wrote:
Idont think its a bad idea Im just nnotreal sure how the animals would react toit tho . Bitzy is a short haired cat tostart with .

Funny I just had an imageof a totally nekkidCat :laugh:

The more I think about it, it seems like a good idea, especially if thepet (cat, dog, rabbit, whatever) has trouble with fleas, mites orticks. I guess those parasites can still latch on, butperhaps there would be less...? Serioiusly, can this bedone? Gypsy, Pam? Anyone?
Im not sure how thatwould work Kricket , Fleas, mites and ticks latch ontotheskin not fur . Idont really think other than a heatrelief it would do much good. It would definately make themmuch easier to spot though .

Jenni , ya with Irishinthe background I am verylight skinned , the only thing that tans on meis the arms back faceand whatever part of the chest is exposed. lol . but first it burnslobster red , then slowly goes over to anice golden brown . The weird thingis Only Myself One neice andone Grandaughter got the white skin crap, everyone else got the normalskin lol .
This may not sound like fun but a year or twoago, everytime we walked into the livingroom (the only carpeted room inour house), my husband would get attacked by a ton of fleas,(they leftme alonepretty much:D) We have used chemicals toget rid of them but I found that if you vacuum really good, I mean takelike 10 minutes each room affected, then empty the bag or canister intoa zip lock bag and close it then into the garbage it goes.You should probably do this at least twice a day. It mighttake a while but it worked for us and we have a cat and a dog in thehouse. If you have wood or linoleum floors I would say try tomop the floors really good. I do not want to say every daybecause, well I would not even do that but I do know that fleas canlive and lay eggs in the cracks of wood floors and up against thebaseboards. (nasty little buggers!:mad:)

Good luck, I have also waged wars against fleas but right now I am in a war against ANTS! (ooh, I HATE ANTS!!)
What about using a nit comb on the cat'and havea bowl of hot water ready to rinse the comb in before the flea's jumpoff it'I've used this method with my kid's at times for damn headlice.:D
ugh , Head lice ,I hate that nasty bugg too . But think Iwould rather wage war on themthan fleas .

I vacume constantly even when theres nofleas and I have a flea collar in thevacume summer and winter ,these buggers seem imune to eventhat lately . can we saymutant fleas or what .

I will try the flea comb andhot water something somewhere has got towork eventually. If she wasnt so darned allergic toflea preperations life would beso much easier .
Try damping the cat's fir first'it will beeasier for the comb to catch them and it slows down the flea's or headlice .I'd love to see this on a cat it will be quite entertaining ithink lol:p
Hiya gypsy!!

Is she alergic to all flea stuff?? What about a natural remedy forumla....

CONFI SPRAY,8 OZ. For Dogs and Cats. Contains plant extracts ofHenna, Matricaria, Hops, Horsetail, and Sage; plus Lavender,Pennyroyal, and Lemongrass. Moisturizer, Insect Repellent and HairDetangler For Dogs, Cats and Puppies. C-DERM Comfi-Spray is a uniquecombination of plant extracts designed to restore moisture to the skinof cats and dogs after bathing, detangle hair on pets with long haircoats, repel fleas and other insects and soothe itchy, inflamed skin.Spray this on your pets before letting them out to play.


8 OZ. 6-1 CONCENTRATE An excellent pesticide-free shampoo to easesummer problems and help heal skin. This special formulation containsEucalyptus and D'limonene for pesticide-free effectiveness andMelaleuca Alternifolia to soothe irritated, bitten skin. Super freshscent. Concentrated at 6 to 1. This stuff kills fleas on contact andrepels them too! And is so gentle on the skin.
Good InformationPam thanks but still ithas chemicals in the usage .Unfortunately I have to go with somethingshe is going to react too . So farnothing I have used doesnt make her react. Even now stuff she was ableto use last year cantbe used this year . it seems every yearit gets worse on her allergies. Stated earlier 3 minutes with Frontline andshe was in the tub gettingscrubbed off she ws reacting so badley ,Last year she had no reaction to it .Even the Herbal remedies she reacts too. I am at a total loss with her.
Seriously, yu must have some tough fleasthere. The Boric Acid Powder in the vacuum will help killthem. You can even lightly dust the carpet and let it sit awhile (with nobody in the room including the cat) thenvacuum. Then, like hummer suggested, vacuum and bag thembuggers up.

Gypsy, I bet you lookgood in bright colors like blues,greens, anddark golden yellows.Funnything - I've always liked red-headed guys - I think they are so cutewith their red hair, freckles, and pale non-tanning pale skin - theexact opposite of me lol! My brother is getting prettyserious with a tall, lanky,andpale red-head.

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