First let me explain the Major Problem .
Bitzy My Female catis deathly allergic to Any and AllFlea preperations onthe market , includingthe Herbal ones . Sprays are out of thequestion as is Bombs , She cant evenwalk on it after treatments have beenvacumed off the floors andrugs. Plus I have a 13 lb Boathat would need to relocate tilleverything was cleaned up . plus 4 othersmaller snakes and Pythons . Plus2 birds . Plus having Asthma,sprays and bombs just aggravate mybreathing .
My ankles are fixing to Divorce me , theyItch , swell and are a generalpain you know where , just lower south .
I have one of the Victor Flea traps . (comes with sticky paper and light ) Itdoes work , to a point, The more clever Fleas wont gonear it and lay in ambush for me towalk by . I am at the end ofmy short rope withFleas and have no clue where toturn next , Does anyone have anysuggestions .
Edit to say : None of theRabbits have them thankfuly ,been checked and rechecked repeatedly to be on the safe side .
Bitzy My Female catis deathly allergic to Any and AllFlea preperations onthe market , includingthe Herbal ones . Sprays are out of thequestion as is Bombs , She cant evenwalk on it after treatments have beenvacumed off the floors andrugs. Plus I have a 13 lb Boathat would need to relocate tilleverything was cleaned up . plus 4 othersmaller snakes and Pythons . Plus2 birds . Plus having Asthma,sprays and bombs just aggravate mybreathing .
My ankles are fixing to Divorce me , theyItch , swell and are a generalpain you know where , just lower south .
I have one of the Victor Flea traps . (comes with sticky paper and light ) Itdoes work , to a point, The more clever Fleas wont gonear it and lay in ambush for me towalk by . I am at the end ofmy short rope withFleas and have no clue where toturn next , Does anyone have anysuggestions .
Edit to say : None of theRabbits have them thankfuly ,been checked and rechecked repeatedly to be on the safe side .