Need help with bunny's development

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Well-Known Member
May 5, 2005
Reaction score
Freddyville, New Jersey, USA
OKay so here is my problem, Freddy was boughtnear the end of February and I was told he 8 weeks old. I recentlybrought him to the vet about three weeks ago and she confirmed that hewas indeed a boy but said his testes hadn't descended yet. She told meto keep checking once and week and if I don't notice any change with amonth or so to bring him to ensure that they are not stuck. So maybe hejust needs more time I read that they usually drop around 3 1/2 monthsand he's a lil past 4 months now. I haven't seen anything when I lookat his underside, but maybe I'm not seeing them if they are reallysmall or something. Or maybe the woman I purchased him from lied abouthis age and he's younger than I think he is (I was also told he wasNetherland Dwarf which is clearly not.). I am wondering if he justneeds more time or if this is an issue of concern and I should bringhim back to the vet. Any respose would be much appreciated. thank you :)
Hmmm....well, first, you're right, he's notlooking like a Netherland Dwarf. Second, his testicles maynot have descended yet. I assume your vet told you the properplace to look, they are located in front of the genitals, not behind asin most animals. That being said, rabbits also have theability to pull their testicles back up into their bodies,so.... I've never heard of a rabbit's testicles getting"stuck" but I know it can happen in other species, so, I would guess itcan happen in rabbits. I honestly don't know.

I agree that the little bunisn't aNetherland -- but most likely a mixed breed. I believe yourhunch is correct -- he is most likely younger than you weretold. Remember, just because someone breeds rabbits doesn'tmean they actually know anything about them :(

In some cases, the testicles may not descend until close to 6 months of age.

A hereditary defect mayresult in buckspermanentlyretaining one or both testicles (cryptorchidism).

Rabbit testicles are easily pulled back up into the abdominal cavity,socareful examination may be necessary to determine if thetesticlesare temporarily "hiding" orare permanentlyretained in the abdominal cavity. In the cases of retainedtesticles, a more invasive surgery is required to neuter the buck.

My dog had this problem...:?

We just had to wait for one to fall, then it was snip snip!

Hang in there, some times they're just late developers...

Thanks so much everyone! It's great to have aplace to be able to get answers. I don't know if I was just looking inthe wrong places, but there weren't many bunny references out there tohelp a new owner along! I really appreciate being able to belong to awonderful supportive community such as this!!


Hey Tiffany :)I had the same questionabout my boy. Trust me, you'll see them when theydrop. And boy, will you ever :)

It was overnight with Shorty. I look him over twice a day(mostly for mites, cuts, scabs, etc) One night they had not decendedyet, next day :shock:BOOM! There theywere. Kinda scared me, cause it was so quick!

P.S. Welcome to the greatest forum ever.


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