Well-Known Member
OKay so here is my problem, Freddy was boughtnear the end of February and I was told he 8 weeks old. I recentlybrought him to the vet about three weeks ago and she confirmed that hewas indeed a boy but said his testes hadn't descended yet. She told meto keep checking once and week and if I don't notice any change with amonth or so to bring him to ensure that they are not stuck. So maybe hejust needs more time I read that they usually drop around 3 1/2 monthsand he's a lil past 4 months now. I haven't seen anything when I lookat his underside, but maybe I'm not seeing them if they are reallysmall or something. Or maybe the woman I purchased him from lied abouthis age and he's younger than I think he is (I was also told he wasNetherland Dwarf which is clearly not.). I am wondering if he justneeds more time or if this is an issue of concern and I should bringhim back to the vet. Any respose would be much appreciated. thank you