naturestee wrote:
I would love to have a coyote, bobcat, and black bear in myback yard! Of course, I wouldn't keep my rabbits outside. And as longas the bear doesn't bring babies. That's the only time they wouldreally scare me. Mama bears are MEAN!
Naturestee : this has gotto be one of the most OFF THE WALL statements Ihave read all morning , !!!!!!
why would you want 3 of the most top preditors in your yard , ??
! NOT only can a bearbe frightning when theyhave Babies THEY can also breakdown your door , walk in anddestroy everything in its path lookingfor food>
2 Bobcats : Felines , nota nice kitty kitty ,tempermental and will attack for noreason , AND NO THEY WILL NOT ALWAYS RUNAWAY. None of these 3 will always runaway
3 Coyote: omg out ranking top preditor , theyhave no qualms about killingsmall children , attacking Adults intheir own driveway , killing dogsand cats of all sizes ,OH maybe you think that windowsitting right there next to thebunnies make them safe ? thinkagain a determined Coyote, Bobcat , OrBear can and will smash rightthru it .
4. if you feel reallyadventurouse why not invite a Fisher Catin while your at it .
UNLESS you have ever had todeal with anyone of thesepreditors you have noclue just how they operate.
and as for attacking a Fullgrown Adult : Ask myHusband about the one that attackedhim while he was getting intohis truck one morning, he hasscars on his legs from all thebite wounds , OH did I forget to mentionMy Husband when attackedweighed over 200 lbs?
No the Coyote wasnt rabid ,no it wasnt hungry ,scaredetc , it was well fedit had alreay feasted oncat and a few other normal prey , Yeshe killed it and had TheWildlife Authorities do a Autopsy onit for
1 Rabies
2 Malnutrition , ( they emptied thestomach to find outwhat it waseating, hence finding the cats remains )
3 for any comunicable diseases .
So yep I would want another oneor more of them in my yard ,maybe next time it wouldntbe my husband butsomeones Child.