Need help with a possible sick bunny

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Ok so this vet actually looked at his teeth really well and took his tempature and also did a fecal sample.
The vet did say that he has 3 teeth with points on them that are poking his cheek and his tongue.
He's not sure if that is the cause but I have an appt on wednesday to get it taken care of bill will only be $103

Other than that he can't find anything wrong with him.

Runs around fine, didnt find anything abnormal in his poop he is popping normal size balls instead of tiny rock shaped poops. His tempature was 103.4

He said he isnt saying for sure that it is the teeth but he said it very well could be and he isn't sure whatelse there is if he gets it fixed and still doesnt want to drink and eat on his own.

He looked at the xrays that the other vet did and said there was some blockage but it was very small and not even worth doing the meds the other vet gave me. The other vet said it was a huge hairball and needed the laxatone and this and that.

So I guess we will see how it goes, Im going to cut off his wet kale and his oxbow that I was syringe feeding him and see if he resorts back to his water for hydration or not.
Here is a pic of his babies
I'm so glad this was a good vet. What a difference! Hopefully taking care of his teeth solves the problem and he will be back to normal :) Not a bad price either.

Awww, cute babies!!! Baby bunnies are so much fun. I have one that's 10 weeks. He's a dwarf hotot and he is such a little snuggle bun. Are your buns a specific breed? Do you think you'll keep any of them?
Well he has gotten better for sure. He still wont drink from his water bottle but he is now drinking from his dish atleast 4-5oz a day. He is eating more of his food than he was. He is very very active.
Still not sure why he isn't back to his pig self where he'd eat a bowl of his food and a stack of veggies. He barely finishes a half bowl of food now.
Maybe his digestion is extremely slow?

Not sure how long it takes for a possible GI stasis to get fully back to normal but I am happy with the progress so far. I may put off his dental filing alil while so I can save up alil more.
If he's eating hay, pellets, and veggies, and drinking good, and his poops are normal, then he may be on the mend. Just keep an eye on him and if he just doesn't seem to be eating enough, then maybe reschedule with the vet.
is he eating hay pretty normally? they usually get back to eating hay first, then veggies, then pellets last - it's not unusual for it to take a couple days for him to get back to really chowing down on veggies and pellets.
Well he still doesnt really drink from his bottle. i seen him tap it a few times but thats it. He still only drinks a couple ounces a day included in by using his water dish. He still isnt eating quite as much as he used to.
But he does go after anything I throw in the cage instead of letting it sit there.
So I guess all is good for now
That's good news!
My bunny had this problem and the vet gave him Baytril which only made him sicker!!!!
I took him to a natural path that worked on animals. My bunny had lots of allergies and she cleared them from his system. He is so happy, hoppy, and healthy now!
Well an update on him is he is doing much better he seems to be just fine. BUT he still barely drinks from his bottle when he does its like one lick every second instead of those fast pace licks they do. He does drink out of his dish but he still does not drink near as much as he used to.
But he seems perfectly fine like nothing bothering him.

I am taking him in next week to get those spurs filed down on his teeth that may be whats causing him to drink very very slow.
We did however lose one of his babies that is in that pic I posted of the 4, I will make a thread about that when I can actually type what happened out without making myself depressed again.
That's good to hear that he's doing pretty good. Hopefully getting his teeth done will help get his drinking back to normal.

I'm sorry you lost one of your babies. I know how heartbreaking it can be to lose a bunny that you love.
Tooth problems can make them use the water bottles less. If the spurs on the molars are cutting into his tongue, he won't want to move it that fast to get the water out of the bottle.

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