Need help about injured bunny.

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Jun 2, 2019
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Hello, my bunny is 4 and a half years old. Yesterday i've noticed strange movement from the bunny. It is walking/crawling instead of hopping(it's still hopping, but without balance). Most probably its left hind leg is injured (or maybe both). Today i've noticed that the bunny still jumps on its box(about half a meter high), but is still crawling. The bunny is eating and drinking like normal. Any experience with treatment, because there is no experienced vet for bunnies in my country.
Thank you.
Could you possibly post a short video of it?

It could be an illness affecting your rabbits balance, or it could be an injury. Also check your rabbits eyes for any signs of white clouding, as vision problems could be a possible cause as well.
Last week, i've posted a thread about my injured bunny. Need help about injured bunny.
I let it rest for couple of days inside a cage, yesterday i've let it ouside in my backyard and it seems a bit worse. The bunny is walking on its back legs, and extending them. It's only hopping when it runs away from something, but without balance. It still jumps on its box in the cage (0.5meters high), but a little harder than before, It still kicks back with the legs while it's pissed off, still eating and drinking as normal. The bunny still has reflexes in the legs. Could it be back/spine injury, and if yes, how can i treat it?
I've merged your threads for continuity, and it also makes it easier for anyone wanting to comment, to be able to follow the whole situation with your rabbit.

It could be a spine or hip injury. Since you have no experienced rabbit vets that you can take your rabbit to for xrays to find out what injury has occurred, all that can be done at home and what is usually recommended for an injury, is restricting the rabbit to a smaller area as to reduce the movement and stress on the injury, to give the injury time to heal. This includes no hopping up on anything, so the box would need to be removed. This restriction of area (aka. cage rest) will usually be a minimum of 4-8 weeks for that type of injury to possibly heal. But this is just an opinion. You would need your rabbit examined by a knowledgeable rabbit vet for an accurate diagnosis, which it sounds like isn't possible for you.
Walking/balance issues can also be caused by other things unrelated to an injury. Without being able to see how your rabbit is hopping/moving, I can't really give a good opinion about whether this is more likely to be injury or illness related.

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