Well-Known Member
part of solving the problem is looking at where you went wrong, just my 2 cents.
Yes, He was euthenized due to his you had to put him down?
I wanted to give an update...
I took, "Bounce" to the vet today. I managed to find a very reasonably priced one, who referred me to a better one who took pity on our family and did not charge us an exorbitant amount to help him.
It turns out that Bounce is a Rex rabbit, which we had never known. The doctor told me that usually he sees rabbits when they are in very bad obvious neglect meaning that their teeth are overgrown and they are obese. Bounce was in good shape other than being dehydrated. We clipped his nails and his teeth were in great shape. He was an older, very kind vet whom I can tell truly loves animals. He felt his tummy and examined him well, and then told us he felt a large lump under his ribs. My first reaction was that he was lying, that Bounce only needed an IV and medication but I knew the truth was that is what I wanted to believe. He told me he was going to do an x-ray first to look at it before confirming anything. When he came back he pointed out that the lump he described was in the same spot as the x-ray shows the tumor. It seemed to be very large. Of course I wasnt too rational, I wanted to give him an IV and keep feeding him thinking he would be OK for a year or longer. But I also knew this was selfish of me.
You see, I am so much an animal lover that I wanted to blame my daughter for not giving him enough water. I wasnt believing her that he had it since he seemed so dehydrated. She said she had given him water a week ago, but my son also had once since then too. His water bottle was quite large. It was not something that ever needed to be refilled daily. I wish I could say that I am relieved to know this wasnt our fault, but I really dont. Now I feel horrible for blaming my daughter and making this entire experience into a giant guilt trip for her, when in the end we were all deeply in pain for his sickness and eventual death today when we decided it was most humane to euthenize him.
Thank you all for your advice. I am sorry for attacking those who initially had harsh words for me. I understand it, I love animals too and every time I hear of animal abuse/neglect in the news I also feel angry. He initially described it as there usually is only one explanation for an animal who seems to be having the life sucked out of him for no obvious explanation. It was a good one, Cancer absolutely sucks and it stole the life out of Bounce!
Thank you. If not for the advice here I would not have realized that something was more wrong other than food dehydration. I would have prolonged his pain thinking that we were helping him. Thank you again and I am so glad that there is a site like this to help people!Thank you for taking Bounce in to the vet. That was the best thing you could do and it shows you really did care for him. I had thought there might be something very wrong because simple oral rehydration didn't seem to help him. I'm so sorry that he was so ill and there was nothing the vet or you could do.
I am sorry if I sounded harsh earlier. I just wanted to express the gravity of the situation and perhaps convey why many of us were very upset. I volunteer at the Humane Society and my supervisor (a humane officer) occasionally tells me stories of animals being treated terribly before they came to the shelter. My Muffin (brown lop) was left in a garage in the WI winter without adequate food and water and a litter to nurse before she was eventually surrendered. I spent the first 3 months of having her trying to get her weight and body condition back to healthy.
Now we know that an underlying illness was causing him distress, and you and the vet made the most humane decision for him. As prey animals, rabbits can frequently hide their illnesses to protect them from predators who pick off the sick and weak from a group. Things like cancer are often very difficult to find until it is too late to help. I'm so sorry there was nothing else you could do for him. Thank you for getting a vet involved.
Binky free, Bounce.
Care credit can be good in certain situations. Yes, they have a very high interest rate. There are, however, several plans with no interst. You have to pay them off in the alloted amount of time. They don't give you long, but it gives you time to save up.angieluv wrote:
Just wanted to put out a warning about Carecredit.
We had it for a short time - they are a high-interest rate rip-off credit card. Although they promise low/no interest, the small print provides them with loop-holes to charge exorbitant interest rates, There are many complaints against this company. We used a low interest credit card to pay our CareCredit off or we would have been paying on it for the rest of our lives!
I advise seeking other financing methods for your bills and not advising people on the forum to apply for Carecredit.