Need Advice On Looking For An Apartment

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jcottonl02 wrote:
Myia09 wrote:
BUT I don't have *much* damage except for urine stains from Sheriff which I am hopeful I can get out..and even not, they can't prove I had animals.

Sorry Landlord- I just didn't make it that time :big wink: hahaha

True though- he can't prove anything!!!


They can't prove what animal it came from, (could be drunk male human!) but they can still charge a fee to clean or repair the damage. :/
Yeah actually...but at least you can't get kicked out for violating a policy lol :p

Once at a previous apartment we had one more bunny than the landlord knew about, so we took Benjamin for a visit to the park when the owner came to show the property to a prospective new tenant. I had to laugh about the closet, though, Pipp!
The apartment complex my boyfriend lives in allows no his one room he has 13 snakes, 2 tree frogs, 2 firebelly toads, about 20 teeny little baby toads, an anole, an armadillo lizard, two rats, and two rabbits. All in one room! The one we live in. So, add two people to that list. Its quite a chore keeping it quiet from the roommates in the bedroom next door and across the living room, but we manage. Brandon had to move in here on short notice so he really got very little choice in where he would end up. He just took the first place available. Hopefully we'll be moving into our new place on August 1st. We asked about their pet policy, specifically asking if snakes and other caged animals were allowed, and if they excluded any species from that caged category, and they allow anything caged but if its uncaged there is a fee and a weight limit. Luckily my 8 pound papillon is under their weight limit and the pet fee is very reasonable. :) So, just ask about their pet policy and don't be specific is my recommendation.
Susan, one thing to keep in mind if you start running into 'no pets' policies is that in Ontario, even if a landlord may state this in a lease, he/she cannot evict a person for having a pet, unless there is proof of damage to the premises by the pet and (or) complaints from other tenants about the pet.

From the Ontario Landlord and Tenant Act:

Q6: The landlord says I must either move out or get rid of my pet; Do I?

A6: Only if the pet is dangerous, causes allergic reactions or causes problems for other tenants or the landlord, must you get rid of your pet or consider moving elsewhere as per Landlord application to terminate tenancy based on animals.

Even if you signed a lease with a "no pets" clause, if the pet is not a problem for anybody they can not enforce it; such no pets clauses are invalid under the law.

You do not have to move or get rid of the pet unless the Board issues a written order to do so.

My suggestion: Be upfront about your bunnies, but if you repeatedly have problems getting a place because of this, then not disclosing them might be an option....

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