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Well-Known Member
Aug 9, 2005
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Cookie's tummy is gurguling pretty loudly and he's grinding his teeth a bit.

He's still hopping around like normal, and he's eating like a fiend and pooping and peeing ok but he JUST ate dinner and his tummy started making funny noises. Any thing I can do to help him? I am giving him tummy rubs right now...

Edit: Seems to be over now - he passed a yucky looking piece of poop full of hair. That might have been the trouble.

Just as an FYI for anyone having the same issue (copied from a website):

The most prominent symptoms of gas are gurgling noises coming from thestomach, lethargy, decreased appetite, hunched posture or pressingstomach against floor, or low body temperature (under100[suP]o[/suP]F). So, what should you do if this happens toyour rabbit? Try to keep your rabbit warm. In most cases, thebody temperature will drop and keeping bunny warm isessential. You can achieve this by using plastic soda bottlesfilled with warm water and having the bunny lay up againstthem. You can also use your own body heat by holding yourrabbit close to you underneath a blanket. You can also use aSnugglesafe, which can be heated in the microwave and is much saferthan a heating pad. Pediatric Simethicone 1cc (20mg/mlsuspension) can be given orally as often as every hour for 3 hours andthen 1cc every 3-8 hours. Infant Mylicon drops work well.This will help to break down the gas bubbles and alleviate gastricdilation, as well. Pain medication can also be prescribed byyour veterinarian. Also, be sure that your rabbit continuesto eat and drink. If not, Pedialyte and baby food may besyringe fed to your rabbit. Be sure to do this slowly andcarefully so that the rabbit does not breath it into hislungs. Gentle tummy massages also go a long way. Ifthe symptoms do not subside within 12 hours, take the rabbit to aveterinarian immediately. Also, if the rabbit gets gas on aregular basis be sure to have him examined by a veterinarian becausethe rabbit my have an underlying illness.

Pediatric Gas Medication (Simethicone or Mylicon Drops)
Snugglesafe (
Baby Food (fruit, carrot, squash)
Feeding Syringes

And thanks so much PGG - saw your messages in the chat!

Follow Up question...

For the Simethicone - does anyone know if it has to be the Babymedications? Because Simethicone is in different gas relief medications:

In the U.S.—

  • Extra Strength Maalox Anti-Gas
  • Flatulex
  • Gas Relief
  • Gas-X
  • Gas-X Extra Strength
  • Genasyme
  • Maalox Anti-Gas
  • Maximum Strength Gas Relief
  • Maximum Strength Mylanta Gas Relief
  • Maximum Strength Phazyme
  • My Baby Gas Relief Drops
  • Mylanta Gas
  • Mylanta Gas Relief
  • Mylicon Drops
  • Phazyme
  • Phazyme-95
In Canada—

  • Extra Strength Maalox GRF Gas Relief Formula
  • Baby's Own Infant Drops
  • Maalox GRF Gas Relief Formula
  • Ovol
  • Ovol-40
  • Ovol-80
  • Ovol-160
  • Phazyme Drops
  • Phazyme-95
  • Phazyme-125
Would any of these be ok or should it strictly be the formulas for babies?
It was recommended to me by a vet to use the "MyBaby" brand - which I have found in Price Chopper supermarkets and inWalmart. It has a lower sugar content? (it's also a bit cheaper)Whichis good, because sugar defeats the purpose by slowing down theirdigestion.
My Checkers was frequently suffering with gas, and the simethicone,belly massages, and the heating pad got her through many a crisis.
My ChinaBun's stomach gurgles after meals, too,and she grinds her teeth. Otherwise, she seems fine. But maybe I'll trya tummy massage the next time I hear the gurgling. If she'll let me,that is! It's high time I clipped her nails, but I haven't been able tohold her long enough to do that. She squirms out so quickly. I'll keepon trying. Her poor little feet spin out like tires on an icyroadwhen she tries to accelerate on the tile.

If I were you (to be safe)I'd treat your bunny for GI Stasis.
Lissa wrote:
If Iwere you (to be safe)I'd treat your bunny for GIStasis.

yeah - I've been watching him and everything is normal. Henever did stop pooing or peeing or eating, was just gurgling.

He's been getting some extra pineapple juice just in case, but his poosare normal and he hasn't been acting any differently. Stillrunning the 500 at night.


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