Hi this is Sancia and I am the one that had thebun running around my townhome complex, well we were able to catch itand it is in my backyard at the moment but I am realizing this babyneeds an experienced bun owner's home! I have been on the phone allmorning trying to find a place with not much luck ;( Is thereanyone on here in So Cal that could help me or give it a temporary homeuntil a permanent one can be found, it is very hot here and I havebarely any shade and the poor thing is trying to dig out of my yard! Idid find a farm place but they said only if it's a female will theytake it and I have no idea if it is or not, so I figured I would takeit down there but if its a male then what? I feel terrible about thisand I don't want to drop it back off at the clubhouse that is not safe!If anyone can help her is my cell number, I am desperate that is why Iam posting my number LOL it is 714-308-6644. Thanks for any and allhelp!