Near golf ball cecal poo on bunny butt

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little tamp

New Member
Oct 16, 2013
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This morning I work up an there was cecal poo on Samsin, my 2 year old mini Holland lops butt around the size of a small golf ball an in the mornings before there has been a little poo on his fur but nothing even close to what I saw this morning

Its hard to say if he's been drinking a lot of water... But when I feed him his veggies they always have water on them, he's still pretty energetic an doesn't seem to have lost his appetite...

I heard that feeding your rabbit kale everyday could be very bad so over this last week I've been feeding him little to no kale at all an giving him other fresh greens such as organic bok choy cilantro an escarole. Is it the change that is making him produce more cecal poo than he should. Or is there something going on that I should be concerned about an just take him to the vet?


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Cecal poo shouldn't be messy or sticking to a rabbits bottom. It usually indicates cecal dysbiosis, or a bacterial imbalance in the cecum. Suddenly introducing new foods can cause an upset, some rabbits can also be sensitive to certain foods, and very often too many sugars and carbs in a rabbits diet can cause the overgrowth of harmful bacteria which results in mushy unformed or semiformed cecatropes. On some occasions the mushy poop can be caused by parasites as well, in which case vet treatment and meds are needed.

You can try stopping the new veggies that were introduced and see if that helps clear up the soft cecals. If not, you may need to make other diet changes, or can you pinpoint it to some other cause(stress, medication, etc)? What other food do you feed your bun(type and amount of pellets, hay, other veggies and treats)?
Thank you so much jbun for the advice. Yesterday after posting I switched out his veggies and this morning he's doing a lot better. I think I just overwhelmed him with to quick of a change with his food

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