Well-Known Member
dmmcnair wrote:
I stated in my post that I was answering the "question"aboutthe a breed that looks like dwarfhotots but without theeyelinder. So I wassaying thatNetherland Dwarfs iswhat was trying to be described.I went on saying that theyhave 24 different varieties and one of themis himialyan. Iwasalso trying to come across that there are many breeds thathave thevariety himilayan (himi forshort).
I'm sorry forthe misunderstanding. I was not refering to therabbit in the photo as a himi netherland dwarf. I triedtomake it clear that I was answering the 'question'.
[shadow=red] ~*~Amanda~*~ [/shadow]
I've seen some dwarf breed that has the same markingstoo. The ones that are like the dwarf hotot but withouteyeliner (I have no idea what they are)
I stated in my post that I was answering the "question"aboutthe a breed that looks like dwarfhotots but without theeyelinder. So I wassaying thatNetherland Dwarfs iswhat was trying to be described.I went on saying that theyhave 24 different varieties and one of themis himialyan. Iwasalso trying to come across that there are many breeds thathave thevariety himilayan (himi forshort).
I'm sorry forthe misunderstanding. I was not refering to therabbit in the photo as a himi netherland dwarf. I triedtomake it clear that I was answering the 'question'.
[shadow=red] ~*~Amanda~*~ [/shadow]