Name for the no foot baby!

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Hey is doing GREAT! He weighed 42 grams onsaturday and now weighs 52!! He is the smallest of the litter but he isgrowing steadly :D



ayglnu13 wrote:
Hey is doing GREAT! He weighed 42 grams on saturday and nowweighs 52!! He is the smallest of the litter but he is growing steadly:D




he is absolutely gorgeous.
Amy :

I am so pleased thatlittle Brogan is doingso well , he certainly put us thoughour paces , what a doll he is . it alwaysamazes me how silver/greybabies turn out to bethe most hansome browns i haveseen pictures of silver/greysturn into awsome browns ,Thunder was onesuch baby ,;lol whe i first sawher picture in the nest thensaw her i couldnt believe it wasthe same rabbit lol

I am so honored to have been ableto help you get thruthe rough patch , Altho I amstill angry with your Vet, but thats a different subjectwhich needs not be addressed here . Keepthe pictures coming , every day thelittle one makes stride is a GOOD DAY!!