Nalas eye - any suggestions?

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Jun 26, 2011
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Atlanta, Georgia, USA
I posted before that I thought Nala may have had a cataract or something wrong with her right eye. She is a 3 1/2 month old lionhead. I noticed right after we got her that she kept that right eyes closed 98% of the time. When I opened the eye, it is cloudy blue in color and up around the socket doesnt look quite right. She doesnt flinch when you touch it so it doesnt seem like it hurts her. I took her to the vet last week and was told that she had probably scratched the cornea and fluid had built up in the eye?? The vet did not stain her eye so I am not sure if this is right. I was given some poly-bacitracin ointment to put in her eye 2 times a day. It has been just over a week now and i do not see ANY improvement in her eye at all. It looks the same and she is still keeping it closed. They wanted her to come back this week for a follow up but I hate to keep taking her to this vet if she doesnt know what she is doing and hate to keep spending money on something that may just be she was born blind in that eye. I asked the lady I got her from and she responded after 2 emails and a text message only to say she had no idea, the rest seemed fine. Anyone think this could be a scratch...looks like she is just blind in that eye? Any ideas?

Here is a link for photos. Sorry I have not figured out how to insert into a post.

A bunny at my work has this and has been quarentined because I think it's e.cuniculi. I cant see the pictures but does it look something like this?


I dont really think it looks like that. It doesnt look like white patches to me as in your photo. It is the whole eye is just cloudy/blue color. No patches.

How do you insert photos in the post?

Go to Home, scroll down until you see the Gallery link on the left hand side. Choose Insert Photos, follow directions. When you post, there is a "G" on the toolbar. Click it and your Gallery pops up.

It doesn't have to be mottled white, even just a haze over the pupil, or the entire eye (like a cataract) could be e. cuniculi. If you you want to post a picture, I may have a better idea.

Welll, I guess it can be caused by E. Cuniculi ( not the biggest symptom, but can be one!), but also from poor living conditions when a baby. was the lady you got her from a breeder? What were the living conditions like there? Clean? It can come from the nestbox not being kept clean enough when they're young, or from getting something in their eye at a young age.
I just wanted to encourage you to keep your bun even if she turns out to be blind in the one eye. I have a rabbit that only has one eye and is also deaf on the right side. He is still able to do everything that my other bunnies do. You just have to be a little more careful if you come at him from his bad side so you don't scare him. It is still a very full, happy life :)

Best of luck finding out what is going on. I know it can be frustrating when you don't know.
Im not sure what her living conditions were like before we got her, I met them somewhere to pick her up. She sent me a photo before that and they appeared to be in an outside hutch that looked fairly clean in the small part I could see. The bunny her self was clean when i picked her up other than some urine on her feet which could have been from the crate they had her in if she urinated in it on the way. I know i had some issues with her urinating around the cage ad keeping it on her feet when I first got her but that has gotten much better in the past week or so. I only find a few dropping in the cage and every thing else is in the litter box. She see perfectly healthy other wise, eats and drinks well. Will take any veggies or banana from my hand. Doesnt really like to be picked up when i first reach for her she will move away but doesnt flip out or even kick at all when i pick her up.

How can you tell if she is blind in that eye? There is no drainage or crusting. She doesnt rub at it or even flinch when you touch it. She just keeps it closed.
I'm not sure how to tell. My boy had to have his eye completely removed due to an infection that had been ignored by his previous owner.

Perhaps try to pat his head but bring your hand from that side. If she startles then she didn't see you there. Even if she knows you are there it wouldn't rule out blindness because the bunnies have so many other senses that might tip you off. But that's good since that helps them adapt.

I agree that you need to see a vet who has some expertise in eye problems. If the eye has not responded to the antibiotic by this time it probably is not the appropriate drug for the condition.

I had a lop who was kicked in the eye by another bunny and developed a corneal ulcer. He was on a myriad of antibiotics ( Gentocin, a neomycin combo drop, Tobramycin ) with no effects whatsoever. Finally a vet prescribed Chlorampenical in a drop which cleared up the problem immediately.
In order to post photos you can go through photobucket.

let us know if photobucket works for you ; I haven't been on the forum for awhile.
here are some articles on eye conditions from medirabbit and the forum

Vets in Georgia ( from RO)

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