nail cuting? how muchcost?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2006
Reaction score
bayshore, New York, USA
hey all i think chester may vist vet again soon.because i just look at her nails and they do look like they need acutting... just wondering how much does a nailtrimming cut? she has hadone but it was mixed with something else.
Can you do it yourself? If you're notsure how, you can have the vet teach you. My buns need theirnails clipped every month or two and the vet is too stressful to takethem in that often.

I would expect that it wouldn't cost much, though.
My rabbits dont really need their nails cuttingas they are on concrete everyday. But my guinea pigs needdoing so much. I hav to take them to the vet because they are toosquirmy (hehehe) But it costs £5 each over here, which is quiteexpencive.

Can the vet teach your parents how to cut your bunnies nails? It reallyis a good idea and saves on the pennys! :DGood luck with it,and I hope you can find something cheaper.
I'm 13 too and I have found a few ways that help(it's really hard if you do it by yourself, but if you get someone tohelp you its a lot easier). I think they might include it in a regularcheck up, but that's just my guess. It probably is extra but who knows.

If I have to cut Pepsi's nails by myself (I don't do it often becauseit really stresses her out) I usually just put her on my lap and takeher front paws out and gentley spread thenailsapart by gentley pressing her paw and just take the tips offso I don't have to cut into the quick. I do the same with the back.Sometimes she tries to struggle so I usually get my mom to help me.

If I have two people, I wrap her in a towel and clip them while she's in the towel. Someone hold her, someone clip her nails.

If you do cut into the quick, take a q-tip and dip it in water then some flour to stop the bleeding.
Perhaps you could get an older person to do itfor you? You can use nail files aswell as scissors, but you must'vetrim above where you see the reddish line, thats wheres the blood is.Its much like cutting a cats nails. I can't imagine it'd bevery much for a vet to do,though if you'd feel much saferhaving a professional do it, its worth it.
My vet charged $5 per rabbit the only time I gottheir nails cut there. I watched how they did it and now I do it athome. I use large human toenail clippers, and I have my husband holdthe rabbit. It really is a two person job. Just find someone to help. Icut my dog's nails whenever she needed them by myself, starting when Iwas 10, so you should give it a shot.
I trim my buns' nails and my chickens' nails.It's very easy, actually. You just look for where the nail getslighter, that's where the quick ends. Trim a bit ahead of that, andthere's no bleeding. Just a trimmed nail :)
Check your local petshops.

We have one that you can sign up as a membershipfor $10 a year. And you can getunlimited nail cuts forunlimited number of pets.

Rainbows! :)
it costs me $10. to $15. i usually try to get it done at a vets.

one time i tried a free nail cutting at petco. the lady was very roughwith my rabbit, she mademy rabbitbleed, and thenshe dropped my rabbit. i would beware of free nail cuttings and stufflike that.
I just wrap my Munchkin in a towel and clip thenail just ahead of where I can see the blood vessels. The firstclipping can be difficult but if you are careful and make sure that thebunny is stable, it will go all right.

I also make sure I have treats on hand because mine gets cranky afterbeing wrapped up and held upside down. A nose rub and a craisin or twoworks wonders on soothing a bunny's temper. :)


Spring wrote:
I'm 13 too and I have found a few ways that help (it'sreally hard if you do it by yourself, but if you get someone to helpyou its a lot easier). I think they might include it in a regular checkup, but that's just my guess. It probably is extra but who knows.

If I have to cut Pepsi's nails by myself (I don't do it often becauseit really stresses her out) I usually just put her on my lap and takeher front paws out and gentley spread thenailsapart by gentley pressing her paw and just take the tips offso I don't have to cut into the quick. I do the same with the back.Sometimes she tries to struggle so I usually get my mom to help me.

If I have two people, I wrap her in a towel and clip them while she's in the towel. Someone hold her, someone clip her nails.

If you do cut into the quick, take a q-tip and dip it in water then some flour to stop the bleeding.
You sound very intelligent and mature for 13.

Regarding the nails - I freaked out one time when I made Rice bleed andnow I take her and Beans to the vet all the time. $20 forboth of them.
We usually cut all of our buns nails. It'salways easier to have 2 people and wrap the bun in a towel like aburrito. Have a small cup of water, some Q-tips,and somecornstarch ready BEFORE you start in case you cut the quick and the bunstarts to bleed. Don't panic...dip a Q-tip in the water...then in thecornstarch...then press on the nail. Bleeding should stop in a fewminutes.

Some buns will let you clip their nails while they are sitting normal.S'more will let me do this with her front, but not her back nails. It'sa lot less stressful for her...and me.

However, Tootsie can be quite a handful. She very gentle, but she's bigand strong. We took her to the vet the other day to have her nailsclipped, and it took the vet and 2 assistants to hold her safe andstill. It cost $12, but well worth it.

In any event make sure whoever you take Chester to, has handled bunsbefore. Most "grooming places" don't have much experience with buns.

I take Skippy to the shop we bought him at, andthey clip his nails..It's $5..there's no way I could do it myself..hewiggles tooooooo much.
The girls are being bratty and haven'tbeen letting me trim their nails so I took them to their vet last week.He charges $10 per rabbit. $20 could have filled 3/4 of my tank. :?
I'm not very good at handling my rabbits so Iget their nails cut at the vet. They run around on concrete in my yardso I don't need to get it done veryoften. It costs $10 andthey get an overall check up at the same time, so I'm happy with doingit this way.

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