Well-Known Member
Aww Bunnymommy don't cry! I want to go too but I can't either :?
I get Oreo's nails cut at the vet since she's a lil brat &hates to be held. I have a set of nail clippers that came with thestarter kit when we first got her, but never used them hehe. When she'sat the vet I feel bad cause she gets so scared, her eyes buldge outlike someones choking her & they get wider when she hears the*click* of the clippers, but it's for her own good! But after we comehome & I give her a treat for being a brave bunny, she getsover it
If you dont' have any styptic powder, you can also use regular whiteflour (like the kind you bake with & use on surfaces so thingsdon't stick) to stop bleeding as well
I get Oreo's nails cut at the vet since she's a lil brat &hates to be held. I have a set of nail clippers that came with thestarter kit when we first got her, but never used them hehe. When she'sat the vet I feel bad cause she gets so scared, her eyes buldge outlike someones choking her & they get wider when she hears the*click* of the clippers, but it's for her own good! But after we comehome & I give her a treat for being a brave bunny, she getsover it
If you dont' have any styptic powder, you can also use regular whiteflour (like the kind you bake with & use on surfaces so thingsdon't stick) to stop bleeding as well