Nail Clipping

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Aww Bunnymommy don't cry! I want to go too but I can't either :?

I get Oreo's nails cut at the vet since she's a lil brat &hates to be held. I have a set of nail clippers that came with thestarter kit when we first got her, but never used them hehe. When she'sat the vet I feel bad cause she gets so scared, her eyes buldge outlike someones choking her & they get wider when she hears the*click* of the clippers, but it's for her own good! But after we comehome & I give her a treat for being a brave bunny, she getsover it :D


If you dont' have any styptic powder, you can also use regular whiteflour (like the kind you bake with & use on surfaces so thingsdon't stick) to stop bleeding as well
Sooooooooo this Beach Bunnies Party of which youspeak~the flights are cheeeeeap eh Carolyn? as in cheap from Taiwan tothe US? *grin grin* just pulling your hind-leg (really Iam)

FANTABULOUS posts btw!! I had been a cat owner in my previous life andam quite versed in the way of "quicks" since my Zenfield would allow meto groom his...but with the quirkinesses of my two girls, well, I justdidnt know how to react for their first time (now I know-I AM ALPHABUNNY!!!-hear me make a really odd rabbit sound) LOL

Pepper wrote:
CutieOnTwo wrote:
Hello Everyone,

I want to clip Pepper's nails today but I have no clue as to how to doit...Can anyone please advise me on how to and the easiestmethod? PLEASE!!!!

Just to make it known I have Cat nail clippers, will these work?

Thanks in Advance,

I have a rabbit name Pepper.My Pepper is a year old and he is anetherland dwaft rabbit. What kind of rabbit is your Pepper. Are younew to this forum,if you are I welcome you to this forum.I have awebsite with Pepper's picture on it.It is
My Pepper is a girl! I have had her for about a month or sonow. I think she is a Californian Bunny...:D I call her Bunny more than I do Pepper...

I am fairly new to the forum so Thank you for your warm Welcome:D:D

Update: I finally clipped Pepper'snails. I wrapped her like an open ended burrito and pulledher feet out as I needed to clip. She did okay. Ithink I was more scared and nervous than she was. I did findit more of a challenge cutting her nails for 2 reasons:1. she has dark nails, 2 the fur in between her feet got inthe way. Any suggestions on the fur issue? Wellconclusion is that we both survived the experiance. Oh and Ididn't cut them to short=No Blood! :D
I usally have my daughter hold him in a up rightposition( her 2 hands under his front legs )like he isresting on her chest while she is standing then take his pawand kinda push the fur back and cut them i do this slow then i rub hislil head and praise him then give hima treat so far this has worked forme . I have tried the holding on the back but he twists and turns thatdont work so well for me.

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