Nail clippers

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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2005
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Durham, England, , United Kingdom
Typical unorganised me has lost the bunnies nail clippers...again!:banghead

Anyway I was wondering whether human ones could be used instead? My initial thought was no, but I thought I'd ask as I've never actually heard this question before. Just Ruby and Millie's claws are due a clipping and although I can go pick up some more rabbit nail clipper from the shops tomorrow I hate having to wait.:X:p
Thanks guys.:D

Jess and the girls
HiI actally use both Bunny ones and human ones. The bunnies that don't mind being flipped I use the bunny clippers and the ones that don't like to be flipped I use the human ones cause they have a flat edge I put them on a table pull there fur back and clip the nail It seems to be less stressful for bunnies who don't like to be flipped
I use human ones! But you have to hold the nail still when you do because it applies pressure to the nail when you squeeze and my buns seem to hate that. When I hold the nail steady and clip fast, they don't seem to mind as much.

Neil has to help me hold them when I clip.


I saw some cat guilluitne clippers in the store today, and I wondered if they would be okay for buns? But then I thought even if they were I could never clip them myself and vowed to make an appointment somewhere! It's so expensive though :(
I use human nail clippers too, never had a problem really, except for Ebony who hates anybody touching her feet at all. :?
I had a bad experience using the human clippers.
Probably because they were not sharp enough.

The buns nails were thick, and didn't need that much taken off.
Instead of cutting, the clipper crushed the nail.
It was close to the quick, so the bun freaked.
The nail ended up spliting length-wise, and half fell of a couple of days later leaving the quick exposed.

If you use the human clippers, just make sure they're as sharp as possible.

You know, I"m not even sure what bun nail clippers look like!

I use cat ones. They're kinda scissor like, but the cutting part isn't like scissors...

Thanks for your help guys,:Dhowever I actually managed to find my regular guillotine type bunny nail clippers this afternoon so I didn't have to worry about using the human ones (I maylose things but I usually find them again....eventually!:blushan::biggrin2:)

gwhoosh- Yep they are rabbit safe, I like using the guillotine ones just because I personally find it a little easier, however it varies from person to person (and bunny to bunny;)).

I use human clippers as well.

I bought a pair of the scissor-type ones that come in the bunny-head shaped plastic case that they sell at the pet stores... and after trying to use them once, I will never try it again. They were not sharp at all and the nail just slipped out, and it was obviously uncomfortable for the bunny as well.

Perhaps it's just that brand and there are better clippers out there, but since I haven't had a problem using the human clippers, I'll probably continue using them.
jedichef222 wrote:
I bought a pair of the scissor-type ones that come in the bunny-head shaped plastic case that they sell at the pet stores...

Those are cute....that's about it though.

Kind of like a fake Rolex....a cheap version of the real thing.

I've got one of each type for use on the differnt buns.


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