Hmm, so I guess I need to post an "animal update"
In the first post of my blog, I had two leos (Sunglow, Tangelo) that I was going to use in a separate breeding project. But since I decided to stick with snows, they have gone to new homes (If anyone is wondering)
I know people don't like "rehoming" but when your breeding, it is different (Esp reptiles) all the leos I have now are pets forever however.
Right now, I have 5 leopard geckos, 1 crested gecko, and the 3 snakes.
I have 2 chinchillas, my third, Romeo Passed away
I have my 4 mice, and 1 hamster.
I have my one betta still, thankfully, despite some problems.
And of course, my three rabbits.
I lost a lot of pets this year

It makes me really sad