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When I saw your latest post I somehow thought it said "no new reptiles?" and I was like "huh?" Just a slow day on the boards I reckon; mine hits dry spells as well ;)

Best of luck with your recent breeding! Here's hoping for a good outcome.
Myia09 wrote:
No new replies? How depressing.

I know lol. It always depresses me a little.

Unfortunately I don't know anything about reptiles as pets, but I am sure they are interesting!!!

Btw- odd question but it is something I have pondered about for....years!!!! I've heard, and I am a little skeptical, that if Chinchillas get wet, their fur falls out, and eventually they will get ill and possibly die, from no insulation etc.

If anyone would know the answer to that, it's you!!! :)
Man I wish I got the replies you got I may get 5 or 6 a week if I am lucky LOL.

I hope you retiles are good they gross me out.
lol thanks guys!

Jen, a wet chinchilla can cuase some serious problems, but no it will not fall out. But a wet chinchilla can catch a cold or similar things and become very ill.

Plus, it can effect the downiness of the coat itself!

Chins never need a bath, and if there is stuck poo a wet washcloth will always suffice!

So, I almost cried this morning. Why?
Two perfectly healthy awesome gecko eggs!

thats right! I was in tears I was so excited! And mamma is doing great!

Its the Super Snow Eclipse X Mack Snow Enigma het bell pairing.

Incubated at 80 for females ;)
Should be on the longer range of 8 weeks for hatching.

My other female, a Mack Super Snow Blizzard is gravid in the very early stages. She is bigger than the Super Snow, so I am hoping for another 2 eggs.

So, with a Super Snow Eclipse x Mack Snow Enigma het bell I am 100% on getting a it either a Mack Snow or Super Snow.

Mack Snow:
Super Snow:

Then I have a chance of it being a Snow (Or Super) Bell, Snow (Or Super) Enigma, or Snow (Or Super) Eclipse. Then there is a very small chance for a Mack Snow or Normall..but only about 6%.

Super Snow Bell (Which I woudl love)
Snow Bell:

Super Snow Enigma (Engima spots and color range however.,this is a poor photo, but basically it will have a very different spot pattern than a normal Super snow)

Mack Snow Enigma (Spots and color range)

And I couldn't find photos of eclipes

Ah I see!!!! Thanks! So many silly myths lol.
They have dust baths to keep themselves clean?

Aww those Ghecko eggs look so tiny!!! Congrats!! How long will they take to hatch? :D
Yeah, Dust baths both clean and conditon thier fur.

they are tiny! Smaller than my pinky! I am incubating for females, so probably around 8 weeks.

So here is a beginning pic of Chewys husbun from my friend! I think I am taking this buck on the right!

The entire litter:
Aren't they???? I love lionheads..when she updated these photos there is noooo way on earthy I could resist a free one! So beautiful!

According to James, he also has to have Star Wars name, lol, so its pondering time. I should do Han Solo since him and Chewbacca are best friends in the movies, but I don't like the name Han.
I regret to inform you that this day could not get any better.

So on top of healthy gecko eggs, the excitement of the beautiful lionhead baby..

I get the most exciting news of all. In June were are going to Colorado.

Why is this such good news? Because I get my hedgehog.

Ohhh yeah.

Back story..I wanted a hedgehog all my life. All my life, but have never been able to get one. Now I have a chance!

I already have a name..General Knuckles.. lol...

His cage is going to be in Army fleece and everything!

If I get 2 (Which is doubtful since they are solitary creatures) I will have to name the second one General Grevious James said (

My vet has thankfully tons of experiance with hedgehogs and I have pretty much all the supplies besides a wheel and the fleece. I have my diet almost down do a T also..since this has been years on the waiting list.

I don't care what color I get..I am just happy to have a little guy!
Lol I thought you wanted to call one General Grevious James, and I was like.....that's not a character from star wars!!!

Hahahahaha but then I realised as I read the rest of the sentence!!!

I DEF wanna see pictures!!! :p
Those baby bunnies... holy smokes. Cutest little things ever.

And oooh congrats on edggies and hedgies! Steve and I have one hedgehog, Reggie. He's kindof cranky, but very fun to observe and plan enrichment for. Though, he always poo's while running in his wheel, then the poos dry out as he's running (they don't have very wet poop anyways), so by about 3-4am the sound of him in his wheel is like a rainstick. Drives Steve up the wall, hahaha.
Hehe thanks!

Yeah, I am expecting them to be on the more independent side..but Chinchillas are like that too. I am going through a rescue so I am hoping maybe I can get a older hedgie that may be more social.

a rain stick? LOL..that is too funny!

What do you feed? I am trying to get as much information as possible.

I am building (or will I should say) a pretty cool cage for will be with the same NIC cubes as the rabbits, 1 level. But I am making a PVC tube tunnel around the cage. I am going to get 12" diamter tube and just run it around the cage. Of course I will have to section it for cleaning, but James is super handy and his father is a Construction Project Manager for the he said not to worry about support, he would figure it out.
If I get two, I would simply just make the same cage but 2 seperate levels.
We did a lot of reading on diet and nutrition and found a lot of conflicting information. Ultimately, although many sites suggested against commercial hedgehog diets (and I can see why, most of them are AWFUL!), we settled on Sunseed Vita Hedgehog Formula. It has high protein, low fat, and high fiber - all very important to hedgehogs - and is also basically the only hedgehog food I've seen on the market that actually has some invertebrate based ingredients and animal ingredients overall dominating (as opposed to wheat/corn/soy in the top three ingredients). Overall I found the ingredients impressive, much better than the suggested dog/cat/ferret foods and other commercial hedgehog diets on the market.

However, I am perpetually wary of commercial diets for exotics since exotics nutrition is in its infancy as a science, so we also heavily supplement his daily diet with varied insect-based prey sources such as crickets, superworms, cockroaches, earthworms, caterpillars, etc. We also provide small ammounts of fall squashes, leafy greens, and berries as treats, as they do need a bit of plant matter in their diet for good GI health.

Obesity and constipation are two major issues in the species. You should not offer anything "ad lib" as they are notorious over-eaters. A few tablespoons of pellets, a bit less if you're feeding heavily with inverts, is just fine. They need a good sized cage & exercise wheel and preferably plenty of time out, because in the wild they forage like crazy and that burns a lot of excess flub. Indeed I suggest feeding bugs in foraging toys or making them run them down in the bathtub for exercise. Swimming is a good way for them to keep in shape as well, and many will defecate while swimming, which keeps their bowels moving and in check. Plus, well, its fricken cute.

Very nifty little animals nutritionally, I'm quite fascinated by them. I doubt we'll have another after Reggie due to the expense, but he's been an interesting addition. I'll have to see if I have a photo of the spikeball anywhere for you. He's a cutie, piebald.
I have found a lot of it to be conflicting to. I was told Royal Canine cat food was the *best* dry food..

Thats really funny Sunseed is the best..their sugar glider and gerbil food is horrible.

I have plenty of mealies and other worms..but not catapillers. Do you buy them online?

I also heard swimming is a debate..but I figure if I keep it shallow enough it shouldn't be a problem. They are so cute when they swim.

Your in the East Coast where it is a lot colder, but here in AZ summer is about 95-104. What do you think about outside activity during the summer?
I am already getting a very low watt heat bulb and I understand the dangers of hibernation, but nobody has really answerd my questions about outside summer temps.
Ren..and if your talking about cost than I have to assume you have never owned Chinchillas.
They are incredibly expensive. Incredibly.
I've actually owned two chinchillas, but I don't buy animals, so to me an animal that costs more than a rescue's adoption fee or a free surrender is expensive, lol. Though, Reggie cost $150, which is more than the average pet store chinchilla in this area goes for, so to me he seemed just outrageously expensive.

Yeah I was shocked that Sunseed Vita was good. I normally hate their products. But if you look up the ingredients, it's basically the only heggie food with mealworms, crustaceans, chitin, etc. as well as lean meats, flaxmeal, and the like. It has some of the best % DV's I've seen for a hedgehog diet as well, so I had to swallow my "gawd this company is lousy" bias and just go for it. Knock on wood he's been extremely healthy to date.

The caterpillars are just those can-o-pillars thing, and more as a rare treat. Predominantly he gets supers, roaches, crickets, and earthworms. We want to give him some phoenix worms next show just to see if he likes them.

Outside exercise sounds fine, but they are kindof annoying about temperatures - can't be too cold OR too hot. I find around 75-80 to be a really nice temp for them. When it starts getting up over 80 we usually give Reggie a nice cool stone to lie on, because he starts acting a little stressed. I probably wouldn't put them out on a really hot day, at least not with ample shade of course. But supervised outdoor time would probably be LOVED by the species.
$150 is the average here..but Chinchillas IMO are still the most expensive for care..thier cage is expensive..they often chew through thier wood shelves in 2 months, apple wood can cost about $10 a pound, which only last a week if your lucky.

I will def look into Sunseed..things are pretty confusing when it comes to thier dry diet..and thier housing it seems too.

Well early morning temps can be alot cooler, I wake up early in the summer to take the buns out anyways, so I am sure I can take the hedgie for some time too.

I think my major concern is vet lives 3 hours away. So I have to be on my tip toes when it comes to emergency health.