lol thanks guys!
Jen, a wet chinchilla can cuase some serious problems, but no it will not fall out. But a wet chinchilla can catch a cold or similar things and become very ill.
Plus, it can effect the downiness of the coat itself!
Chins never need a bath, and if there is stuck poo a wet washcloth will always suffice!
So, I almost cried this morning. Why?
Two perfectly healthy awesome gecko eggs!
thats right! I was in tears I was so excited! And mamma is doing great!
Its the Super Snow Eclipse X Mack Snow Enigma het bell pairing.
Incubated at 80 for females

Should be on the longer range of 8 weeks for hatching.
My other female, a Mack Super Snow Blizzard is gravid in the very early stages. She is bigger than the Super Snow, so I am hoping for another 2 eggs.
So, with a Super Snow Eclipse x Mack Snow Enigma het bell I am 100% on getting a it either a Mack Snow or Super Snow.
Mack Snow:
Super Snow:
Then I have a chance of it being a Snow (Or Super) Bell, Snow (Or Super) Enigma, or Snow (Or Super) Eclipse. Then there is a very small chance for a Mack Snow or Normall..but only about 6%.
Super Snow Bell (Which I woudl love)
Snow Bell:
Super Snow Enigma (Engima spots and color range however.,this is a poor photo, but basically it will have a very different spot pattern than a normal Super snow)
Mack Snow Enigma (Spots and color range)
And I couldn't find photos of eclipes