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Ugh..personal rant.
James is in a class with a girl he knew in high school, and he had a thing for her and "chased" her for a bit about a year ago, and kissed her a few times (Made out)

And today he has been talking to her all day because of this assignment..

Stupid jealousy!
I know I shouldn't, but I deal with this all the time with him. Sometimes its aggravating!
Ugh....he's young :rollseyes. I had to deal with a lot of crap from Ryan (no, he didn't cheat on me). Ryan is 10 months younger then I am. Sometimes it gets annoying because us ladies are so much more mature then they are, LOL.

If you two are meant to be together, then everything will work out - but its not easy when you are so young and new in your relationship. You know you can text me anytime if you want to talk/rant!
Oh, he isn't doing anything. He is only talking to her about the class, and I have to admit I am a really jealous person and he was totally the wrong person for that! lol!

But things have been good, so I am not worried and he is def NOT a cheater.
I wasn't saying James is a cheater - I'm just saying all the crap is because guys aren't usually as mature as us ladies, LOL! You said you had to deal with some issues all of the time because of him....and someday he will learn! I'm a jealous person too, but I already told you that haha.
OK just found your Blog and love it.. Have always wanted to have birds and lizards added to my mix of pets - so completly envious of you... Going to treat your Blog as a "good book" and read it a few pages at a time..

All the pets are fantastic and have many questions such as:

Have you ever had Indian ring neck parrots? Not sure if the naming is right, but have seem them on YouTube and they are very smart and sassy - love those birds.

With your Lizards/geccho's - I saw today somewhere on the "net" (and may have been here) that mating some of themhave a tendacy to have health problems (such as pure-bred dogs), have you had this? Always wanted a Bearded Dragon to walk about my apartment, but not sure how much work it is to keep lizards as pets.

Further your blog is again a good "book" you might think of publishing something.

Keep posting and I'll keep reading.:)

hehehee that is probably the BEST compliment I have recieved. I always wanted to make care sheets, but I always felt shy about it.

I have never owned and Indian, but I have rehabilitated 2 before, of the beautiful blue mutation. They are very sassy and full of attitude..but definatly loud and super hard to handle.
I don't do large birds anymore because I had a goffin cockatoo rip out a chunk of my ankle (Literally, I will try to take photos)
They are also messy, are very expensive, and can be hard to handle. But they are beautiful and with the right person who can tame them, great birds.

I have never had a problem with breeding my geckos, although Enigmas are a new mutation that have had some nuerological problems. My male has NEVER in his family line has the problems that effect Engimas, and if he produces babies that do, he will not be bred and his children won't. I am very strict about that.

Bearded Dragons are the best reptile
Believe it or not, they have distinct and hilarious personalities. They will give you the cutest looks.
They are also VERY tame..will sit on your shoulder, and can be leash trained. I had 2 that were my life, but were rescues and passed away due to impaction. They do require large encloures however, and thier poo is like cat poo that needs to be scooped out. But they are great pets.

I would really love to write books and post care sheets..I just don't know how to, and I can't imagine anyone taking me seriously. :/
Ugh, so I am texing Amy, but let me tell you guys something about the craigslist post she posted on here.

FOUR of the geckos on that Ad are MINE.
I sold them to here to make room for new breeding projects, and she had a great home. I interviewed her, she was very knowledgable and great.
Now she is rehoming not because of the "Divorce" that is false, but I find out through the gecko fourm she "got in over her head" and purchased 12 geckos in 4 months.
Now leopard geckos are the easiest animals to care for, but food is expsive. Its .11 cents a cricket in a store, and you can buy in bulk but it will cost you about 10 bucks a week for multiple geckos.

So I am angry she is posting them when I told her she could email me..
Then I text her and she offers "full price" for all four, not a discount like she said.

Which full price I can still buy them back, but it will be hard on my wallet, not to mention I sold her my extra tank too.

Well I am getting them back. I don't want them to go to a bad home.
I just don't get why that lady would charge you full price?

I want a Beardie....but I'm just too nervous to do it and I wouldn't do it until we bought a house. I even joined a forum for them and tried to research, but it was really confusing. I'm even scared to get a betta fish because I am scared I won't be knowledgeable about them and will do the wrong things. I had the chance to get a free betta off of CL, but couldn't do it because it was an impulse decision, lol....I thought "Eh, how hard could a fish be?"...then I started researching, LOL!!
Haha Betta Fish are so easy though! lol.
Beardies really are fantastic, simple pets.
I think the most confusing part is what to use as bedding for them,
and what to feed them. They don't have a complex diet, but not many people get it right.

1 adult needs about a 50-55 gallon enclosure as adult. 75+ for 2.
They need a heat lamp and UVB light, very very important.
Basking rock (Not a heated rock, they can cause burns)

For substrate:
Sand causes impaction. The BEST flooring is TILE.
For babies you can use "reptile carpet" but sometimes it gets caught in their claws. Another option is wood pellets, but mine hated them and its hard to move around with them. Paper towles are a good option too, but aren't very pretty.

Fresh DARK greens..romaine, kale, collard greens every day.
Crickets about 25-40 a week depending on size of dragon
Night Crawlers (Worms) or Silk worms (Silk worms are preferred) 2 a week, maybe less and giant mealworms a couple a week. No superworms or wax worms.

God. This is making me want one so bad now :(
I miss you Dante and Randal!
I don't know that I'm a reptile person, though...I think that is why I never sprang onto getting one. I'm scared I will be afraid to touch it. I'm so lame, LOL. Maybe one day, but for now they are "on the list".
Myia09 wrote:
BooLett, Thank you for reading my blog, however if you are going to post, please read my ENTIRE blog.
I have the family lines meaning PAPERS for 2 of my chinchillas. I was told by the breeder Valentine came from (And the same for Romeo) they are not "Pedigreed" they are called "Papered"

I also said I would not breed because I found out my Beige is hetero and it would be too difficult to produce a brown velvet, which is the type of kit I want.
I don't even have a female yet, and don't plan to anytime in the future.
I think it’s really funny your attacking me when you haven't even read (Or at least understand) the entire situation, and would quote the paragraph were I specifically say they are papered. I have had my chins for a long time, and yes I have done my research as I do with all my animals.

And also, again if you READ the posts, I only mentioned spaying because of Paul asking about bonding same sex or adding a female, and that he shouldn’t have a female due to the facts they will have kits.
And what I meant by "Discussing another cat" is when we move into our larger townhouse, thank you. And no, I don't have more animals that I can have; I had to jump into this lease and didn't get to know the pet policy, which doesn't matter because we are moving out of here.

And no, I am not causing unnecessary stress that is entirely your opinion. I love my animals enough to work around them and do the best I can. So before you make attacking posts, please read the blog in its entirety.

Well because we found out Sheriff might have possible lice/mites (Which has been under discussion with his breeder) there will be no more animals at this point (of course). His vet appointment is on Wednesday, and all the animals are being treated (Just so everyone is clear). Nobody else is showing signs, and Sheriffs has a very very mild case, so it makes me feel better.

Whether or not I will take the rescue chin in or not is still up for debate however, he won’t be ready until the 15th and I am still considering it. We are also making plans about the rabbit and thinking it may be best to wait until we move and they have the entire room as a run for a 3rd rabbit, which I have to agree with. Also there is the cost of getting Chew spayed which is coming up soon, and Sheriff has 3 more months to show if he will be show quality or not, and if not he gets neutered.

I understand limits, but I don’t feel that I am at mine. I have the space and time, so I don’t see it as an issue. But I understand James wanting to wait until we have the Rabbit Room. Patience is definitely key.

BTW, the Chins are doing great together. Lots of snuggling and grooming. Just ordered some more Blue Cloud Dust for them because they knocked over their dust bowl with their remaining dust, lol.
I think that is it (For now) :)
I did read your ENTIRE blog, but obviously did not understand. I was not attacking you, but people bringing more animals into this world for selfish reasons is something that I am passionate about. I'm sure that you can understand this.

The reason that I brought up putting yourself under unnecessary stress was because some of your posts came across as VERY stressed out. I am by no means trying to attack you. I said it once and I just wanted to say it again, so that you know this.

I volunteer at my local shelter and no matter what EVERY day there are more coming in than can be cared for and it's like this all over the U.S. I can only take in so many, and when I hear of people breeding to get a certain color or just to see how the puppies turn out I get so upset! There are litters of animals being euthed EVERY day because of such things, and the only thing other than volunteering and taking in the animals I can do is try to make people understand.

I'm sorry if I offended you, but I truly didn't mean to. I can see that you take great care of your pets.:hug:
Well, and update on the hamster.
He has already lost some weight!
I have him on a special diet and he is doing a lot better. Hopefully this does not hurt his lifespan, as we believe he already a year old.
I also have not bought him a larger cage, but am still looking for one.
I do however LOVE this cute little wicker hide petsmart sells..they can burrow in it and makes them feel nice and safe. Much better than a lot of the traditonal "igloo" hides.

I have given up on parakeet taming. Not because it is too hard, but I think it is stressing them out too much. They take food from my hand, and don't freak out when I am in the cage, and I think that is all I can ask for, especially since stella is a rescue and is already 4 years old and probably stuck in her ways.

The geckos are good,doing the regular gecko thing of nothing. STILL haven't started on teh cages..the supplies are at my in laws! lol!

Chins are really good, looking forward to finishing their cage. We decided to make the shelves ourselves instead of buying them and paying pricey shipping.

Rabbit cage construction begins sometimes mid next week, we had to procrastinate a little bit due to the fact they are coming up to peoria with James and I since it will be a long weekend.

Sheriff and Chew are being treated, but not the chins. The vet said not to worry, since we would have seen definite signs if the chins had it. Plus they are never in close contact.

Annnnd..I think that is it! I can't wait to take photos..darn rechargable batteries!
Well, I guess I should update on the vet visit too.

Well the charge was about $130 for 2 rabbits (I brought chew in just in case)

The doctor came in..and said it would be $150 for a skin scrape but it wasn't "needed" since he could tell it was mites.

He said I could do Revolution, but its expensive. I said well its safter than the invermectin, and he said they were the same. That it is no big deal to give the rabbits invermecitin.
Then he gave a good through exam of Chew and Sheriff to make sure everything else is okay.

So I was sent off. I realized I didn't know how much invermecitin to give to the rabbits, and I don't know if I should call back, they were sooooo crappy.


But he said that is was VERY mild..that it almost didn't need to be treated if I cleaned the area very throughly they would probably die off with just a little invermecitin.

But IDK..I spent all my vet money. Aggravating.
Myia09 wrote:
Well, I guess I should update on the vet visit too.

Well the charge was about $130 for 2 rabbits (I brought chew in just in case)

The doctor came in..and said it would be $150 for a skin scrape but it wasn't "needed" since he could tell it was mites.

He said I could do Revolution, but its expensive. I said well its safter than the invermectin, and he said they were the same. That it is no big deal to give the rabbits invermecitin.
Then he gave a good through exam of Chew and Sheriff to make sure everything else is okay.

So I was sent off. I realized I didn't know how much invermecitin to give to the rabbits, and I don't know if I should call back, they were sooooo crappy.


But he said that is was VERY mild..that it almost didn't need to be treated if I cleaned the area very throughly they would probably die off with just a little invermecitin.

But IDK..I spent all my vet money. Aggravating.
The only thing cheaper in Ireland over America is vet bills, Are vets in Ireland are pretty darn cheep can cost ye in America up to $200 for a spay right well the average price here is about €75 if not even cheaper!

The only problem is finding a good one, Who knows how to work with a bunny!
There are pictures on page 1 and 3.
Page 1 there is photos of the orginal pair, but Artois passed away, he was really old and a rescue.
I bought Stella a new cage mate, which is on page 3.

Myia's running animal list

5 Chinchillas

4 Betta Fish

3 Geckos

2 Rabbits

2 Parakeets

1 Hamster

lol. I still want another pair (Male/female) of leopard geckos, and a crested gecko. And my lovebird which hopefully James got me for Valentines day.
Awww a love bird for Valentines day, that's sweet! Of course you'll have to post pictures!!

Birds are another pet I'd love to have someday. I'd probably have one, if they weren't loud. My Dad had a budgie and he was soooo loud, especially considering how small he was.

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