Myia's Bunny Blog 2011

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Some random pictures :)




Hey guys.

Life here is hard, but going. I hopefully might have work on saturdays soon, which will be nice. I am officially am out of school May fifth so I can start working then. I have rent covered till June, so that's what I am working for. But things are looking hopeful.

I am having a hard time with bonding Leia myself. I know it has not been long, but she is so skittish. And she isn't very affectionate to Kinobe either. She is better then when she got here, but still. Idk. I wanted a bun I could bond with as well....not another independent rabbit (like a anakin...but even he has affectionate manners.) I reeeaalllyy want an Affectionate rabbit...or a friendly one... :/
Myia, There's still hope. I struggle with bonding with Cinderella. She was at the shelter for so long she's afraid of everything. She is now bonded to Houdini, who is such a clown, and he is starting to help her relax a little. I give her pets every day wheather she likes it or not. For a while I had to chase her around before I could corner her, but she would get her hug! Lately she is starting to relax more and will eat if I offer her something. She even let me pet her last night without the chase, I just stroked her while she stayed on the ground since she didn't run away. I don't think she will ever beg for snuggles the way Becky does, but I have hope she won't run in terror like I am going to eat her either.

Hang in there. With patience she hopefully will come around and be able to be affectionate in her own way.
Yeah don't give up hope! It took me literally years to feel like I had developed a bond with Barnaby. When I first got him, he was so skittish he wouldn't even take a treat from me. It took me like a year to get him comfortable enough with me that he'd take a treat from my hand. He's so much friendlier towards me, and only me, now. It makes me feel kind of special because he doesn't want anyone else going near him, but he'll run up to me now. <3 He still may not be the friendliest rabbit in the world but he's made in insane amount of progress. Sometimes, with rabbits, it just takes a loot of time.
Thanks guys. And I know that..I keep reminding myself of that..but I know my Kinobe..and I don't think she is right for him.

He is always grooming her, never back. She doesn't want to lay with him, or cuddle, or anything. Idk. She is so idependent. I just don't knwo what to do.

My SPCA got a huge mix breed bunny that I am in love with, and would probably work really well with Kinobe. So that is an option...but I am not sure what to do :/
Aw I'm sorry things aren't working out as well as you hoped. You know your rabbits best and I'm sure whatever you decide you will make the best decision for them.

I seriously wish I lived closer to you...if you decided not to keep Leia I would have loved to take her in. I'm not really in the market for any more rabbits, but I've always wanted a BEW, and the way you describe her she sounds so similar to my Barnaby (who I absolutely adore despite the fact that he's also not a very friendly rabbit).
Yeah I am having a really difficult time with this, for those who aren't on my facebook. I have also loved all of my rabbits right off the bat..with her I don't. That sounds awful, I know, but it is how I feel. I have decided to give it at least a couple more weeks and see how it goes, with Kinobe and Me.

Anakin isn't a friendly rabbit either, but he still shows signs of love sometimes. I guess having 3 independent rabbits maybe is too much for me? I know I more likley want a rabbit I love too.
It makes sense. You did a great thing taking her in even just to see how it goes, but it's hard to think about taking care of a rabbit for the rest of it's life when you don't love/connect with it.

I'd give it more time too if it where me, but that's just my opinion. I've been in your position before where I wasn't crazy about a new pet right off the bat, and in time things did change and we did eventually make a connection - I couldn't picture life without them now (I won't name names haha).
I know how you are feeling about Leia. If she isn't the right bond mate for Kinobe, then she just isn't. Sometimes it is hard to bond with pets that you don't have a connection with.

I, personally, am not connected with Molly...but I know Morgan loves her and she loves him and they work super well together, so I am okay with not having a connection with her. I do get jealous of her sometimes (still!!) because Morgan used to be so bonded to me and now he isn't. They are just an "old married couple" who'd rather give each other attention, then get human attention (unless treats are involved). With saying...having Sawyer in the house is awesome because he craves our attention. So, I now have a bunny that I can give attention to and he actually loves it, so its rewarding. And I'm rambling!

Anyway....I hope you can find a bunny that fits both you and Kinobe really well. I am writing a research paper so I am so sick of writing excuse me for the briefness :) lol

Last night I spent some time with Leia and I found her grooming Kinobe. Then, she really warmed up to me. She refused to be pet or touched, but came up to me on multiple occasions. I have to say - my heart melted a little!

Then, I went to clip nails and I noticed Anakins 2 outer nails where red, swollen, and dry and one had dried blood (they were both very short)

Fearing infecion, I took him to the vet today. The vet said it looked like he ripped both nails otu at one point (WHEN?! I NEVER NOTICED!) and they were growing back normally, so no need for antibiotics.

So relief there. But then, I showed him a picture of this bump Kinobe has on his ear from where he was bitten by Anakin. The previous vet (I no longer go to becaue they suck so badly) said it was fine. However, this vet (One of the best here in AZ) said he was very concerned about it.

So now Kinobe goes to the vet on Friday morning. So hopefully it isn't anything serious.
Okay, updates.

Kinobe went to the vet. The bit/wound has a small infection. He is on oral antibiotics for the next 10 days and topical antibiotics. Otherwise a clean bill of health.

I also got some critical care and some probiotics that are made specifically for rabbits (I was able to put it on my care credit thankfully)

Then I knew things weren't going to work out with Kinobe and Leia. Leia isn't boxed trained, and Kinobe stopped using the box as well. Completely. Then it seemed like a bad match again..he would asked to be groom, she would ignore, he would groom her, she would walk away. If he tried to lay down with her, she would move. They are NEVER together. My rabbit friend Michelle has taken her in as a permanent pet, and it worked out great.

So on Saturday I took Kinobe to a Brambley Hedge Rabbit Rescue adoption event.

I really wanted him to bond to Savannah. You can see her on their adoptable page:

He did well with her. She is a bit shy, but he wasn't aggressive or anything.

Then we tried Nicky, and they just ignored each other.

But we gave Kinobe a break, and during that break, Savannah and some massive wax build up on her ear where her leg is disabled. I cleaned it myself, and it seemed to bother her (I am sure it itched like crazy) so when we put her back in with Kinobe while he was SUPER gentle, she was so upset she would just run away.

I decided that I would need to go back on a different day and try again.

Then it seems my normal Fat Tail Gecko might have slight Metabolic Bone Disease or something of the sort. Her lower jaw sticks out slightly farther. She isn't weak or sick. Her cage mate is fine. I dust crickets every 2 weeks and provide pure calcium in the tank always, so I am not sure. But I will have to wait till the end of May to take her to the Vet as I just took 2 rabbits to the vet!

Life is crazy, as normal, it is my last week at school and I have a lot of writing to do! Hope all is well with you guys.
More updates:

Kinobe's ear has healed 100%. There is some scar tissue, but it looks so much better.

Yesterday Savannah came home. The bonding session went well, and I have high hopes. But also, I am keeping her no matter what. She really put a dent in my heart!

I spent a TON of time with her yesterday and this morning and we are like two peas in a pod. I mean..we have bonded so well. It is like Chewy and I type close. She is such an amazing bun.

She did her own little version of binkies this morning and I swear it is so amazing to watch her get around! I have a camera so tomorrow there will be TONS of photos I promise!

Leia, is being bonded to a friend's pair. One of the rabbits in her pair is really old and the other is young. We already did 1 session and it is going great. I have really high hopes that it will work out between the three!

I will keep you guys posted.
Where to start?

First, Fat Hammie has passed away :( He was about 3, so he did live a good life. I am still getting used to has been about 4 days. It is odd not playing with him and feeding him at night. I will really miss him.

Hiccup is doing extremely well and fur is completely back and has gained weight. She is cage aggressive but fine once out of the cage.

I actually got a hold of a 55 gallon tank that was supposed to be fat hammies. But since he passed, it will be Hiccups. I don't want to put the mice in it because of ventilation.

Crouton (mouse) had a eye infection that was treated and cleared up. I switched bedding and put them in a wire cage that is completely ventilated. But now Olive's eye is swollen. So it is a bit frustrating. The vet recommended the wire cage so its completely aired out.

The snakes are good, the geckos are good, except my blazing blizzard leopard gecko (gale) lost some weight and isn't gaining it back. I am not sure what is going on, but I am a bit concerned. Picking up some roaches for her tomorrow.

Kinobe and Savannah have bonded and are now living together.

Savannah developed a small sore hock on her back foot (her good foot) but I am putting some healx soother cream and some TLC. Put some fleece blankets down as well.

I have started volunteering with Brambley Hedge Rabbit Rescue. I had an adoption even yesterday that went great and one of the bunnies was adopted. I volunteer every Saturday. Twice a month at an adoption event, the other two at the center.

Other than that, I have been working but life is pretty good. Just getting through things.

I have tons of photos for you guys. :)








Yay new pics! Kinobe and Savannah make a great couple. :)

Congrats on the new volunteer work! Sorry to hear about Fat Hammie. Three years old is indeed a great age though.
So sorry about Fat Hammie...RIP little guy.

I hope Olive and Gale are feeling better soon!

Congrats on the happy couple - that's awesome that Kinobe and Savannah bonded. Savannah looks so soft...someday I want to adopt a mini rex.

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