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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
Cornwall, , United Kingdom
I know its not really my place to say this butI'm very mad, you have acted very childish in a recent post about myviews,I've said all I needed to say in the post but afterlooking back at your previous posts its very obvious that you are notexperienced in the world of bunnies, which is fine, everyone has tostart somewhere, but a kind sensible person would learn as much aspossible before breeding rabbits. You obviously haven't, you don'tbreed rabbits and ask questions later that is just cruel and stupidbecause you are putting the mum and babies lives at risk. I'msorry if anyone thinks I should not of posted this but I needed to getthings off my chest. You need to stop breeding just foryourself and think about the rabbits, do you even realize how manyunwanted bunnies there are out there without homes????? I guess not,because if you did you would engage your brain and think beforeacting.
Well said and i totally agree'you have to thinkabout the babies i would'nt cope with any more rabbits and that is whyi'm getting my boy fixed so i don't have to worry about finding goodhomes for them.:highfive:
samandshawn wrote:
Thanks?Amy? Wewill see what mybabyhero has to say when back on the forum???

We don't allow trolls to have a say. Sorry to disappoint, samandshawn.

Thank you to all those that exposed this clown.

Couldn't agree more, samandshawn and onnie.

Anybody and their brother can call themselves a 'breeder'.Hadthat experience with aperson whowasalways preaching to the choir about how they should be taken careof.When I went to the rabbitry, it was absolutelyappauling! Learned later that the ASPCA was called onthe business. It was a real shame. I still thinkabout those rabbits and get upset. There really should berestrictions or some kind of license, and it should have to be renewedjust like other licenses.


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