My stepmom's grandson develop pus on his face (RESOLVED)

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angieluv wrote:
I think Coco would already have aninfection if it was a staph infection ;I wouldn't worry about that but it might be nice if your vet could talk to you family and explain that the rabbit doesn''t have any contagious illness.
HRS will back you up; don't worry abou that.

If the boy contracted a staph infection from the rabbit, the rabbit would be an asymptomatic carrier. Staph is common in most environments and carried by most people and animals.

This is all just speculation without definitive information from the doctor as to the exact nature of the boy's condition.


pamnock wrote:
angieluv wrote:
I think Coco would already have aninfection if it was a staph infection ;I wouldn't worry about that but it might be nice if your vet could talk to you family and explain that the rabbit doesn''t have any contagious illness.
HRS will back you up; don't worry abou that.

If the boy contracted a staph infection from the rabbit, the rabbit would be an asymptomatic carrier. Staph is common in most environments and carried by most people and animals.

This is all just speculation without definitive information from the doctor as to the exact nature of the boy's condition.


Speculatively if the rabbit is an asymptomatic carrier you would expect to seemore than 1 family member who handles the rabbit contract it. Don't you think?? Unless there is a problem with the immunity of the little boy :?

Tasha ... this is just an intellectual discussion of 'maybes" ; Coco is fine ..
Did Coco have sharp nails. I get scratches all the time. If the boy got a little scratch just enough to break the skin without bleeding he might been infected with something. In a hot and humid area it wouldn't be hard to be infected.
angieluv wrote:

Speculatively if the rabbit is an asymptomatic carrier you would expect to seemore than 1 family member who handles the rabbit contract it. Don't you think?? Unless there is a problem with the immunity of the little boy :?

Tasha ... this is just an intellectual discussion of 'maybes" ; Coco is fine ..

Highly unlikely because Staph is part of the normal flora of most humans and animals. There would have had to have been some reason the boy was more susceptible on his face (scratching, immune deficiency, open skin).

In fact, I just received a news release about health asymptomatic care workers colonized with MRSA (methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) and whether or not they should be decolonized. The general consensus is that they should not, unless they are the source of an outbreak.

Once again - we are just speculating. It may have had nothing to do with Staph.


Sorry everyone. I was sound asleep while you were all discussing this.

This afternoon my dad just ask if I should give Coco a shower. He didn't know we don't shower rabbits. I mean .... they are not suppose to be showered with water. I just said I'll do it tomorrow morning just to make him less worry.

It makes me think that its the boy's immune system because there was another time when my cousin's son was playing with mommy. He was practically playing catching with mommy. And mommy was trying to get some piece of mind. It was really cute. And their parents let him play. Before they went back, I brought his son to the kitchen to wash up and he seems fine to me. I mean ... my aunt didn't call me and say her grandson gets infections or rashes. She obviously wouldn't hesitate to call and tell because she use to keep rabbits in her garden long time ago. If anything happens to her son, I think she would also be concern for my rabbits too.

Just sharing a picture of my cousin's son playing.

The only reason that the boy got that infection that I can think of is the parents didn't wash him up after he played. I am certain they didn't. He could have also played with cats outside my house. (Yea ... theres a lot at the void deck of my block) From what I see, his parents didn't mind him playing with animals. He even ask my sister to take out Coco because he wanted to take a picture of his son with Coco.

If Coco has contracted any disease, I'm sure I could have seen something on his skin or his eyes. Or maybe the way he groom himself or any sort of behaviour. But Coco just seems fine. He is happy eating and drinking and exploring etc... etc. I hope the HRSS will get back to me as soon as possible.
Tasha the boy could have had ascratch or cut on his face andgot an infection from anything. I hope that your family will leave you alone with this.
Don't give Coco a bath . ;Coco doesn't need a bath; rabbits groom themselves very well.

A lot of people in your family seem unaware that bacteria is everywhere and the little boy could have picked it up anywhere and then not beenwashed soon enough to prevent an infection.
After reading these posts, I would say that the boy may have a mild allergy to rabbits. I had a friend who is allergic to cats but he is fine around rabbits. Maybe, I thought, that this kid is mildly allergic to rabbits.
Sweetie wrote:
After reading these posts, I would say that the boy may have a mild allergy to rabbits. I had a friend who is allergic to cats but he is fine around rabbits. Maybe, I thought, that this kid is mildly allergic to rabbits.
That could be true too. Thanks Sweetie. :)
I'm super allergic to rabbits, and have been ever since I was born. I've never had a pus pocket develop on my face though.

I call shenanigans. I don't believe for one second it had anything to do with the rabbit. :grumpy:
mardigraskisses wrote:
I'm super allergic to rabbits, and have been ever since I was born. I've never had a pus pocket develop on my face though.

I call shenanigans. I don't believe for one second it had anything to do with the rabbit. :grumpy:

Wow ... Amazing that you are allergic to them but still have one. Proud of you ...
