My family has been very helpful with all of this. My mom, dad, me and Stevie did not have to do anything at all.
Everyone has been showering the family with cards for the donations to the family fund. This will help Stevie pay the medical bills that their insurance would not cover. My sisters medical bills is over millions of dollars since April, he owes over hundred thousand dollars.
I will be making a website for my sister and the family, will be setting up the donation button for the Majoy Family Fund. I will be finding answers how to do the donations through the ink cartridges. I will let everyone know if any of you would like to help with the ink cartridges donations meaning sending them to me or however.
It is just an option. I am not asking for anything, I just thought why not put it there.
the family fund is not just for medical bill coverages, it is also for the children and the college. The kids will be staying home from school for awhile.
Let me tell you this, seeing so many friends, families there, I can not believe how much everyone loves my sister, her kids friends were there, teachers from few yrs, her friends, even the kids friends came to see my sister that are young from 12 under. The place was jammed packed all day long and it will be today too.
My dad is making arrangements to take my mom to Fla for awhile at least a month. I will be taking care of their fish and mail every few days. I will be spending alot more time with them as well. My sister and my mom were extreamly close, they went everywhere together. More like best friend, my mom lost that, so I am going to give her the same that she and my sister had. I am glad that my mom had more time with my sister than me and she can cherish this forever.
It is going to be tough.