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Minda has a good point about them being raised together, but ferrets do eat meat and they have been known to attack a rabbit.

When Buck had the ferret in his care for a short time, Mrs. had saidthat the rabbits were very skiddish and uncomfortable with the ferretaround.

Although some animals adjust, some never can quite make that adjustmentto being friends as nature dictates them to be predator/prey.


I believe there waseven a time in Great Britain (or was it Australia) that ferrets wereraised for the specific purpose of going down into the rabbit holes toflush them out/hunt them.

Just not the best pairing.
Thank you, Carolyn, for adding this extra excellent insight.

Minda, you're exactly right. Also, in the olden days the Romans used ferrets to hunt rabbits.
I've just finished from reading Buck's post andyes the rabbit was very uncomfortable with him after Buck had beenhandling the ferret.

I would like one myself too and chances are my Buns and Ferret wouldnever meet, but its not something I'm going to rush into in a hurry.Still lots of thinking to do.

Yes, Vickie, we're just giving you alittle food for thought. No need to make a decision rightnow. :)
I'm sure you and Ryan will come up with a perfect solution together.


wow... I never would have thought about therabbit being in danger. But it does make sense, Isuppose... hmm, tough decision. Good luck, and Ihope everything works out well for you
I had a ferret (Scooter) in highschool. She wasthe neatest little thing! We had her for about 8 or 9 years! She gotalong well with our cat, in fact they used to cuddle up and naptogether. She was very gentle and loving and did not have a mean bonein her body But, she would get a bit rough when playing with thecat.Of course when he had enough he would swat her off withhis paw. He was about 4 times her size! It was really quite comical.But I can see where a rabbit may not be able to defend itself as wellas a cat. In general though ferrets make awesome pets! Ours was veryaffectionate.
Thanks to you all for your input, i hadntintended to let the Ferret anywhere near the rabbits in their hutch ornot. As i am aware that Ferrets, on both sides of the pond,are still used to hunt rabbits.

But here one bit of info i bet most of ya wont know (i didnt until istarted reading up on them) but they are used quite a lot now to laycables!!! When we had our millenium dome built the contractors, to saveon electrician costs, put mini harnesses on the ferrets and thenattached the cables. They were then enticed into the holewith a treat!!!
Aradon wrote:
Buthere one bit of info i bet most of ya wont know (i didnt until istarted reading up on them) but they are used quite a lot now to laycables!!! When we had our millenium dome built the contractors, to saveon electrician costs, put mini harnesses on the ferrets and thenattached the cables. They were then enticed into the holewith a treat!!!
WOW! Very interesting! :)
I tell ya, you learn something interesting onthis forum all the time! :DI can just picture a ferret withcables attached to him going through tunnels! Thanks for theinfo Ryan. By the way, cool avatar. I though it wasa polished stone until Pamnock asked you what itwas. Beckie
Aradon wrote:
But here one bit of info i bet most of ya wont know (i didnt until istarted reading up on them) but they are used quite a lot now to laycables!!! When we had our millenium dome built the contractors, to saveon electrician costs, put mini harnesses on the ferrets and thenattached the cables. They were then enticed into the holewith a treat!!!

What is this world coming to when a ferret is doing my husbands job?? -- for shame! :p

I had a friend years ago who had two ferrets.Onenight we went to dinner at his house and as we were entering the diningroom the female came out of nowhere,ran up my husband's pantleg and bithim!!!!!The only thing I can figure out is that she thought we wereinvading her territory. kind of put me off the idea of having a ferret!Ferrets are in the weasel family...mongoose are a weasel.The mongooseis the only natural predator of the cobra.May be no correlation butsomething to think about.Some of the members who haveferretsmay have some insight on this.

Thanks, Just my 2 cents worth!

Tippy's Mom


and with regards to the Ferret family tree indeed they are related tothe Mongoose however it is well documented that domesticatedferreteshave lost nearly all of their natural instincts andunless trained to hunt are absolutley hopelesson theirown. Ifput back in the wild they die well within 3days most of the time, plus the relation is only very small, as a cobrawould make mincemeat out of the hardest ferret :)
Aradon wrote:
Thatis true but i have read up on that one and they are the same as withall domesticated animals, there is always the risk they can bit, itjust depends on how they are handled, and mainly bite when intimidated,scared or hurt.

and they are also known to nip as they are very hyperactive and will dothis to get attention and to be played with, but there are more knowncases of dog and cat bites than ferret bites :)
Very true! Our new Guinea Pig bites more (and harder) than ourferret ever did! Actually, I don't ever recall our ferret biting out ofanger. She would playfully nip (like a puppy) when playing. But sheknew her limits. Ferrets are so much fun! I miss my scooter :(

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