New Member
In August I had been searching for the perfect bunny. I had a woman come in contact with me who said that she was going to get two bunnies that would need a new home. They were in a neglectful home where they weren't being fed or properly housed outdoors in Arizona. The female bunny had actually been sunburned from being left out in the sun for so long.
I was more than willing to take these bunnies in. So I stayed in contact with the women and a few days later she went to go pick the bunnies up from the previous owner that had neglected them. Unfortunately, the female bunny had passed away that morning. The owner had told her that she died giving birth however the woman doubted that the male bunny had even been able to get to her being out in that heat all day. So she brought me the male bunny, whom she said was 8 months old. He was scared and so skinny that you could feel his spine.
I have had him for two months now and he has gained a good amount of weight though I don't believe he is at his full potential yet. His fur has also gotten much healthier. I have named him Oakley and he is a friendly and noisy little bunny and loves to run around and explore. He's my sweet little baby boy and I absolutely love him. I have never owned a rabbit before so he is my first. My grandma would foster Flemish Giants when I was younger and I remember going out to feed them and them playing in the backyard with her cat. So I definitely wasn't new to rabbit exposure.
I do have a question though, Does anybody have any idea what breed Oakley might be? The previous owner didn't say and we think he looks a bit like a Lilac however I don't see the Lilac tint in his fur and his eyes don't seem the right color. His fur actually is a weird brownish gray color and so are his eyes. I'm not sure how much he weighs or how to properly tell how big he is.
If anyone has any idea that would be really great
This first photo is from the day that I got him.
This photo is from today
I was more than willing to take these bunnies in. So I stayed in contact with the women and a few days later she went to go pick the bunnies up from the previous owner that had neglected them. Unfortunately, the female bunny had passed away that morning. The owner had told her that she died giving birth however the woman doubted that the male bunny had even been able to get to her being out in that heat all day. So she brought me the male bunny, whom she said was 8 months old. He was scared and so skinny that you could feel his spine.
I have had him for two months now and he has gained a good amount of weight though I don't believe he is at his full potential yet. His fur has also gotten much healthier. I have named him Oakley and he is a friendly and noisy little bunny and loves to run around and explore. He's my sweet little baby boy and I absolutely love him. I have never owned a rabbit before so he is my first. My grandma would foster Flemish Giants when I was younger and I remember going out to feed them and them playing in the backyard with her cat. So I definitely wasn't new to rabbit exposure.
I do have a question though, Does anybody have any idea what breed Oakley might be? The previous owner didn't say and we think he looks a bit like a Lilac however I don't see the Lilac tint in his fur and his eyes don't seem the right color. His fur actually is a weird brownish gray color and so are his eyes. I'm not sure how much he weighs or how to properly tell how big he is.
If anyone has any idea that would be really great
This first photo is from the day that I got him.

This photo is from today