My rat boys are getting neutered tomorrow *UPDATE! PICTURES*....

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Retired Moderator
Jan 18, 2007
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Austin, Texas, USA
Please keep my baby boys in your thoughts tonight and tomorrow. I drop them off at 7:30 a.m. for their neuters.

I am a nervous rattie mommy. I have been having dreams all week about getting new rats, so I take that as a bad sign.

Maybe I am paranoid, but I have never had ratties neutered before....and it is a delicate process.



Awww Amy, it must be scary to send such a small creature in. I am sure everything will go well :hug:Keepingyou and your boys in my thoughts...
Maybe you were having dreams of new rats because getting your little guys neutered is like them gettingcalmer and sorta newish personalities just like getting new rats. Or you were thinking of the possibility of getting them new friends? Sorry, I don't know much about rats.

Cute little guys. <3 Goodluck tommorow boys! I will be thinking of you! <3
Yes, MsBinky....they are medium sized rattie boys. Everything should go well, as long as they are mine are (or lets hope there isn't an underlying health issue). I am just so scared, a number of things can go too much anethesia, ect.

You could be right, Montana. I am thinking of getting them one or two new friends at the beginning of next year to share their new cage with (it can hold up to 6 ratties).

I am heading to bed. I have to be up at 6 a.m., and leave by 7 a.m. to get them to the vets. I might not be online until I bring them home from the vet's later in the day tomorrow, I need to be out and doing something to keep my mind off of them.

Poor little boys!

How much is it to have them done? and is there a medical reason for the neuter or what? Just curious cause I've heard males are really sweet and I'd like to maybe get one for my daughter sometime. She misses her rats so much!
Aw, poor boy boys. I was very nervous when my ratty Colby was neutered, I made the appointment a month ahead of time (before I even HAD him yet) and was nervous even though the vet is good and experienced (same person who will be neutering Rory on Friday, funny that I'm not as nervous for him since he's bigger!). I asked the vet lots of questions beforehand. She had a rule where the rat had to be at least 3 months old and a good size. Colby was 3 1/2. He was only out for about 15 minutes and they used glue to close it, then carried him around in a warmed towel until he woke up. I requested Metacam and gave that to him once a day for two days. He did well during the surgery and had no problems recovering, though he was a bit clingier than usual with me! Dearpie from Goosemoose sent him a "sorry we had to neuter you" hammock as a present and I think that helped him feel better, plus getting extra treats:biggrin2: Good luck to your little lovies!
They are at the vets. My vet said she would call when I can come and get them. I like this lady, she is really nice.

I don't take it to heart, but all the vet techs were squirmy because of my rattie boys. I don't know how people can be afraid of them, they are sooo cute :hearts!.

Time to go clean their cages though :)!

Bo B Bunny....
my vet neuters for $50 each. I am getting them neutered because Leonidas is aggressive towards Spartan, so I just decided to get Spartan done also. This is a good thing, it will be healthier for them and I can later introduce females into the cage, if I wanted to....or more neutered boys.

Shiloh....I am going to request some Baytril. I hope they give it to me. A person on Goosemoose told me I should request some (enough for a week), just incase of infection. I would LOVE to order Dearpie hammocks when I have some extra money and get my new flight cage. I love to sew my own though, and it costs me nearly anything to make hammocks, tubes, ect myself :p.
(((HUGS))) to your little ones, undergunfire! Let us know as soon as they are out of surgery and are recovering. I love rats too, though have never owned one myself. They are so beautiful, sowonderfully inquisitive and intelligent...and loving!

Thanks! that's good info to know. I think we might do the neuter thing with a male eventually then. Or maybe 2 males or a male and female....... they do better in pairs but we got a pair the last timeand OMG they fought and nearly killed each other.

Neutering should help that, Bo B Bunny :).


am so happy! Right now they are in their hospital cages eating some yummy snacks that I fixed up for them.

When they walk, their back legs wobble and they take little steps. They are in pain, but they will heal up nicely and be back to themselves tomorow, most likely :p.
Aww poor wobbly legged boys! Did you not get any pain meds? Colby wasn't wobbly legged at all, the only sign he had been neutered the first day was that he was a little less hyper and of course his balls were missing. I'm sure the pain meds helped.
Yep, the vet gave pain meds. Leonidas is the one who the pain seems to be effecting right now. They just finished up tuna and mac & cheese, and are now in their hammocks.

My vet is open 24 hours, so I can bring them back in if I have a problem.

Bo, ratties have a much larger list of foods that are okay for them than bunnies. While I've never fed mine mac and cheese (which I'm sure they'd love!), they get table food almost every day. What I mean is, they get whatever part of our dinner is good for them. Like a spoonful of rice, a slice of raw carrot, a shred of cheese for each rat and a couple of peas. They also get this blend of mix every day in addition to their lab blocks:

They love it! I also have a small stash of baby food in the pantry and they get some every few days. A lot of people cook little casseroles made with rat healthy foods just for their pets.

Thank you, Montana!

Yep, Shiloh is right.....ratties can eat anything healthy that we eat, as long as it is not on the forbidden foods list. I do spoil mine sometimes and give them "junk food"....a bit of ice cream, mac & cheese, a chocolate drop, ect....but this is only once a month at the most.

I LOVE to make my guys cooked veggie pasta, then use a ham, turkey, or any meat/veggie type of baby food for the "sauce". I also always throw in some frozen cooked peas, carrots, broccoli, ect. They LOVE it.

Oh, "mini rat omlets" with the crushed up shells are a hit too!

Hey, Shiloh....Spartan keeps pulling at his "area". Is this normal? The vet used glue or something instead of "thread" to close him. I worry that he will pull it right open!

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