My Rabbit Passed

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Feb 19, 2006
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I've never posted on this forum before, but I've always found this site to be filled with immensely useful information.

I just wanted to post an entry to commemorate the life of my Dottie whojust passed two days ago. She lived to the ripe old age of10, and was our firstborn. She was sweet and gentle, and shecraved attention.

I'll miss her. She'll always be a part of me. Ifelt as if I grew up with her. I'll see her at Rainbow Bridge.


Im so sorry to hear about little Dottie. What abeautiful little girl she was. Feel free to post something in ourrainbow bridge thread.

Binky free little one :rainbow:
What a beautiful little girl she was, nnyl. Tenyears is a very good, long life for a bunny, and it sounds like herswas filled with love. It is always so heartbreaking to lose a lovedone...but she is in your heart forever, and she is never truly gone.

(((Hugs))) to you, and thank you for sharing her with us....

Thank you everyone for your words of support andkindness. My husband and I are grateful for them.Dottie would've loved everyone's love!

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