My rabbit hates me!!

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Well-Known Member
Apr 18, 2005
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Belleville, Illinois, USA

Hi everyone Im new!!! and I just adopted a 3 yr old lop ear bunnyTodayhis name is Cadbury (yeah I know I may be jumping thegun)..but he's so cold to me..I went to Petco and Petsmart and spentalmost150.00 on the things I thought he'd likeIbought plenty on pellets and timothy hay he has a littlecarrier his own lil couch..and lil leash for when he goes outside...a40" cage a liter box and a couple other things..Now I initially thoughthe was neutered but by further investigating figured out he wasnt..WhenI went to the shelter to finally pick him up(I went everyday b4)getting him out his cage so that I could put him in his carrier was ajob in itself..his nails need to be cut so needless to say my hand gotscratched up a little..The ride hime was fine I took him to my placeand showed him his new place and he didnt wanna get out thecarrier:Xso I had to put the carried up to the cageand turn it over helping him to fallinto the cage..for the first couplehours he just sat there staring at me ears str8 up in the air shaking..

I would open the cage and rub him softly and tell him not to be scared..eventually he started to eat and drink and I heard him playing withthe toy that was in I left and let him be for a few hrs sothat he could get used to his new surroundings...So I come back and tomy surprise all the hay was pretty much his apetite is prettystrong so I put more hay in there went to the cage a few more times torub him and let him sniff me so that he could get used to myscent..after that I did some housework and he was in there sprawled outlookin like he was fast after another hour I was like Iwonder if he'll let me hold him (just read tonight that they reallydont like to be held..dumb me) he let me rub him put when I went topick him up he got to kicking me and scratchin me again (those nailshave got to be filed ..they hurt) so being defeated and feeling so badi put him down..I dont want him afraid of me and the people at theshelter said that he hasnt had very much human contact...

So finally to my long should I leave him in the cage towarm up to his new home..because Im scared to take him out i dont wannafight with him..and also I wanna get his nails clipped and get himneutered..Im going to call the vet in the morning..will this calm him abit..and he's not putty trained im tryna teach him but he plays withthe liter box..I know he's excited and nervous all at once and I knowIve only had him a day...but I want him to like me ..sorry about thisbeing so long....any feedback would be greatly apppreciated
Hmm, it takes time. I think shaking him out ofthe pet carrier may have set you back a bit. They're not very forgivingfor things like that.

They like to be on the ground and in control, open his cage door andsit nearby with some treats. I may take a few attempts but eventuallyhe'll hop across to you and say hello.

Its impossbile to rush them when they're getting to know you.
Do you have the type of cage where you can just open the door and let him come out on his own, eventually?

Oe main key is to spend a lot of time on the floor with treats onhand. Grab a pillow and the TV remote, the laptopora good book,and let him come to you in his owntime. (That said, I got tired on being on the floor all thetime, so I moved Pipp's cage onto my bed. We've definitelybonded). ;)

mc00db wrote:
Hmm, it takes time. I think shaking him out of the petcarrier may have set you back a bit. They're not very forgiving forthings like that.

They like to be on the ground and in control, open his cage door andsit nearby with some treats. I may take a few attempts but eventuallyhe'll hop across to you and say hello.

Its impossbile to rush them when they're getting to know you.
I didnt want to shake him out but he wouldnt I feelworse...Im at work now and get off at 6am so when I go home Im gonnatry to bond..wish me luck..I dont want to offend him any more:X
Pipp wrote:
Doyou have the type of cage where you can just open the door and let himcome out on his own, eventually?

Oe main key is to spend a lot of time on the floor with treats onhand. Grab a pillow and the TV remote, the laptopora good book,and let him come to you in his owntime. (That said, I got tired on being on the floor all thetime, so I moved Pipp's cage onto my bed. We've definitelybonded). ;)

I never even thought about putting him in my bedroom withme;)..thats a good idea..and I also notice that the bedding I have Idont think he likes..I found him nibbling on some..and then when helays down he scoots it all from up under him..I have the biodegradablekind..I didnt know which ones to get I just wanted him to be comfy..andwhen u said that i should just let him come to me ..u mean while he'sin the cage right..because I have the cage where u can just let thedoor down and they crawl out but im afraid if I let him out he wontwanna go back in the cage and I dont wanna have to run after him andscare him even more..I know its just been one day but I always thoughtbunnies were cute and cuddly and liked to be held I had no idea theydidnt..and should I clip his nails myself or let the vet do it..and is3 yrs old to old to be neutered?
We spent so many evenings lying on the floor. Itgot to the stage with Bobby when we thought he'd always hate us. Butnow he's great and jumps on everything and runs around our feet like aloon.
Along with allowing him to get to know you,you're going to have to accept the possibility that he might just notlike being picked up. Some rabbits will always kick and others love it,it just depends upon the rabbit. You might be able to coax it intotolerating it, but as far as getting it to like it? Well, I'm not sosure the possibilities are very high for that. (Mind you I'm not anexpert so as Lamar Burton would say, "Don't take my word for it...")

Also be sure to bunny-proof your home before letting your rabbit out.After he's gotten used to your scent just put the cage door down. Iknow you said you don't like to chase him back into his cage so insteadof chasing him, lure him back there with a treat. I generally use arasin or two with Fergy and lead him back to the cage until he hops inand starts chewing on the raisin. It sounds like it's going to take alot of patience with your bun. Just try to think like a rabbit andhopefully that wil do you well. Also check out some of the threads atthe top of the forum (namely A Cheat Sheet For Rabbit Care) and look atsome of the links given for information. I've found this forum to be awonderful resource. Good luck with your bunny! :)
Your rabbit doesn't hate you. If he isfrom a rescue, ect. you may not know his history, and he may not ofbeen held much. For example, I recently got another Mini Lop doe from afriend of my who is a multi breed breeder, and she has over 50 rabbits.She obviously doesn't have time to hold them all every day, so you needto be patiancant and get him used to you.

First of all, welcome to the forum. I LOVE this place and I have learned so much about rabbits since I have been here.

In some ways - my situation is very much like yours. On March22nd, I went to a breeder to buy a Flemish Giant - and wound up fallingin love with Netherland Dwarfs too. So, instead of cominghome with ONE rabbit, I came home with three.

My buns are younger than yours - they're almost 4 months old. But, like yours, they had not been socialized much.

Rabbits don't always like to be held. However, I'm learningthat they need to learn to get used to being held and they need tolearn that you are the "head bunny". Why? Becausethere may be times when you have to give them medicine or clip theirnails.

So what I've done (and I know this goes against a lot of advice...but Ihad to do something) - was to reach in and pick up my two little boysbefore letting them out of the cage. Do they likeit? Nope. But I have what I call a "trainingsession" or "taming session" with them about 3-4 times perday. I hold them until they stop fighting and I take thattime to pet them. I stroke their forehead and rub behindtheir ears lightly. I do this for about five minutes - ifthey try to nip or bite or run away, I lightly press down on their head(it's a way that they show dominance) and say, "I'm the headbunny. Be still." Once they've settled down andbeen petted a bit - I let them down and give them treats. Atfirst, Kyo would throw his treat right back at us. Now, heeats it about half the time.

I do it this way with my dwarfs because they are so darned fast! I have to be able to catch them.

Since I've started doing this, they now come up to me and chinme. They were on medication for 10 days and the vet had toldme I HAD to train them to be handled because it would eventually be fortheir own good. She stressed that I didn't have to hold themall the time...but to do sessions with them to help them get used to it.

I'm hoping and praying that sometime soon - they will come into my lapwillingly. Now they just chin us and jump all over us ifwe're on the floor. Sometimes - they even will let me holdout my hand and come near for one or two pets. So, we'remaking progress....but it's been at least one month.

With Tiny, my Flemish Giant....I've done things a bit differently. Hedeliberately nips me if I try to hold him, and he's so much bigger(about 9 pounds). Now I put a towel in my lap and someoneputs him in my lap. Then, I feed him treats (I've startedsaving banana treats and craisins for this). Once his treatsare done, I pet him softly a bit longer and then let himdown. He will come to me willingly about 50% of the time ifhe's on the floor and I call his name. He also nudges me forpets sometimes. He just hates to be held and I'm giving him abit more time because at least I can catch him - whereby I have such ahard time with the dwarfs.

My point is this - it takes time. It's taken me a month toget to this point. I've had to be patient and loving - andyes, there were times I'd look at my bunnies and think, "WHY did I dothis?" But they're learning to trust me....and that makes itworth it all.

Try hand-feeding too. Building trust isvery important too. Give him time, he'll come around and knowyou are mamma.

I think 3 years might be the cut-off for altering. My vettold me he spays & neuters 4 months to 3 years ofage.
It's all about patience...just like us, rabbitshave personalities and they have likes/dislikes...I've had my rabbit,Cosmo, for about 3 months now and he loves being pet and lovesfollowing me around, but he just hates being picked up...maybe he'llsettle down after he's neutered tomorrow....but the majority of rabbitsjust don't like to be off the ground....

patience is the key..

Welcome to the forum!!

It will take some time for you bun to feel completely "at home".

We have 7 buns. 4 of them are considered our "rescue buns".

Our latest addition, Rosie, had been abandoned outside and rescued byone of the members of this forum (Yay for Uncle Buck!!!). We decided togive her a forever home and have now had her for almost a month.

Your first day describes pretty much what went on with us.

I think Rosie was very stressed, but seemed to take everything prettywell. Dumped, chased, caught, strange cage, unfamiliar people, carrides, bad weather all within a few days.

We got her home and she refused to come out of her carrier. So we setup the exercises pen and put the carrier in it with the carrier dooropen. My daughter sat with her for quite a while. Rosie only poked herhead out a few times so we just let her be.

After a while we put her in her new cage by letting her go from hercarrier directly into the cage. It took a couple of nudges, but shefinally hopped in. We then put her cage where she was able to seeeverything going on, but under the table in the bunnie room so shewould still feel secure.

She bonded almost immediately with my daughter within a few days, butit has taken many hours of laying on the floor by her cage for her towarm up to me. She has gone from nudging me away and nipping, tohopping over to the front of the cage for a nose rub. She will now alsocome out of her cage most willingly. Going back in is a's the "can't catch me!!" game.

All of our buns have different personalities. Rosie may never be thecuddly bunnie that everyone would like to have. I don't longas she's happy!!
sheesh you have to be extremely patientespecially with older rabbits like yours. you have to keep inmind he's going to be very cranky because you took him out of his homeand moved him into new surroundings. as for the kicking, that's naturalbecause you have to think that rabbits are prey and they're just tryingto free themselves by any means necessary. you shouldn't force pickingup your rabbit and you shouldn't have shook him because now his trustfor you just dropped and it's going to take a couple of weeks to earnit back.

try not to pick him up unless it's absolutely necessary. if you pickhim up, make sure you hold his hind legs close to his upper body like aball and use one hand to hold his hind legs together so he can't kick.once you've got him, keep him close to your body so he doesn't have achance to look down and see how high up he is or he'll start clawing togain his own sense of balance.

if you have the space, i would let him run around free so that he couldget used to his environment. since day 1 with each of my bunnies, i letthem run around free and never put them in their cages unless i have toclean up or have guests over so 2 of my 3 bunnies don't struggle when ipick them up. 1 of them just continues to kick and scratch like crazybut i know it's something i most likely can't change so i use thattechnique i told you about preventing your rabbit from scratching andkicking.

as for potty training, use kitty litter but here's the trick.. get somesort of pan, don't put the kitty litter directly on the pan or in alitter box, put a giant garbage bag around the pan and the kitty litteron the bag. this makes it easy clean up and easier access for yourrabbits. also the best place to put a kitty litter area is in cornersof the room where it's shaded or dark.. they like to go potty inprivate just like us and they're very neat animals and if you paycareful attention, they go potty in normally only 1 or 2 differentareas. another trick is to get an old rug you don't want and use it asa potty rug. when you want to clean it, just hold it up in a garbagebag and beat it with a broom and wash it whenever you feel it'snecessary.
I wouldnt use Kitty Litterfor any rabbit unless it iswither the pelletted kind ORthe newspaper kind, clay litersand scoopable litters are justbad for the rabbit, not only if theyingest it your looking at GIstatis and it can alsoget clumped up around their bottommaking pooping and peeing difficult , causing ablockage that will be very hard to cleanup .

Most people here use eitherpine shavings or woody pets ,yeesterdays news , NO ONE in their rightmind uses Cat litter for rabbits , unlessthey have no clue what can happen .
gypsy wrote:
Iwouldnt use Kitty Litter for anyrabbit unless it is wither thepelletted kind OR thenewspaper kind, clay liters andscoopable litters are just bad forthe rabbit, not only if they ingest ityour looking at GI statis andit can also get clumped up aroundtheir bottom making pooping andpeeing difficult , causing a blockage that willbe very hard to clean up .

Most people here use eitherpine shavings or woody pets ,yeesterdays news , NO ONE in their rightmind uses Cat litter for rabbits , unlessthey have no clue what can happen .

Complete agree, Gypsy. Can't forget to mention WoodyPeteither!

You also have to be careful of a garbage bag as some rabbits may chew and ingest it.

lmbo Jim , ican see it now ,

pet rock sits on his human, looks up at said human andgives the , im going to potty one you look, sees said human runniing for thebag of Woody Pets roflmbo!!!!!!!!!!!
actually i use the pellet kind of kitty litter

i heard woody litter is bad for rabbits because they can cause irritation
Just thought Id give u all an update on howthings went today..when I got hom he was flopped out in his cage hungryto say the least (he has a really big appetite) so I refilled his waterand gave him some hay and carrots he already had pellets left..sobecause I work nights I did a lil workout and I went to bed..when Iwoke up thats when I logged on and came to the board to find all thewonderful and verymuch Helpful advice that u all gave me and boy did itwork! I got up gave him his lunch rubbed him and told him i lovedhim repeatedly..I got me a blanket, remote, phone, and a snack grabbedhis cage put it on the floor and laid there beside him..he would comeup and sniff my fingers I got the brush and started slowly brushing himhe was scared at first but quickly started to like was like hewas saying "boy that feels good" so I laid there for about 3 hrs we hadsome visitors they coo'd over him and rubbed him ..he wasnt as scaredas he was yesterday but u could see that he still was apprehensive..

so after everyone left I said to myself "Im the moma bunny" i cant beafraid to pick him up..because yesterday as I wrote he squirmed andscratched I got a towel( a lil smaller then a beachtowel)out of my linen closet and was determined to pick himup and hold him close to let him know that I cared about him and wouldnever hurt I thru the towel on his back and scooped him upmaking sure that I had his back legs up under him and he was squirmingtrying to get away but I held firm and rubbed him and tried to calm himdown and sure enough "It worked"..I was so excited I held him close tobe his lil heart was beating a mile a second but after about10minutes he seemed really calm I held him for about 15minutes and put him back..and he started grooming himself as soon as heentered the I picked up some hay and low and behold he ate itout of my hand..I was so EXCITED! I eventually got up from thefloor where I was laying but while I was laying there I had his dooropen to his cage to see if he would climb out and while Iwaslaying there he would stick his head out and act like hewas attempting to come out but would always go back in ..he did that Iknow 7-8 times from the 3 hrs I was down there I got up to tinkle and when I got back the cage was empty he washopping around sniffing everything in site went all over the house andinspected it..I tried to act like I wasnt paying him any attentionbecause I didnt want to scare him..but he wasnt scared in the leastwhen I got up and had to cross his path I thought that he would runaway..Boy was I wrong he could have cared less about me..he startedsniffing my feet and went on his merry way..I said boy o boy and tothink I wasnt gonna attempt to take him out of his cage for a week or 2and Ive only had him two days and he's roaming around my house like heowns the place:p..I thought it would be hard getting him back in but iswasnt I just scooped him up the same way I did to get him out and thatworked fine..except he didnt wanna go:)..So much has progessed and forthe good in the last 24 hrs all because of the advice u all gave me..Ijust wanted to share with u....thats a picture of him in my avatar itook it wit my camera I'll take some more..and he has a vetappt on thursday to get those sharp nails trimmed and get a goodcheckup b4 I have him neutered..Thanks again yall