my prego bunn.. Overdue?

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I'm so sorry to hear about the stillborn, werethere any more afterwards? Best to get the vet to check her again inthe circumstances if he felt 4.
Oh no poor little baby, it looked like a wellformed one too. Must have just spent too long being stuck inside themama, unfortunatly that's part of the danger of breeding your petrabbits. It often leads to a lot of heart-ache.

It's expecially concerning because she is being bred for the first timeat 2 years old, which is a huge no-no. It's pretty dangerous for arabbit to have it's first litter at that age.
well the vet said it was the uterine infection that killed the babe.. i dunno

i didnt plan this one, and it iwll NEVER happen again, the papa bun will be fixed as soon as i pay off her vet bill

and they r caged seperatly..

no more play time!

Yep :), that sounds good! Your rabbits aregorgeous, I'd hate for anything to happen to Hunny. And Bunz isprobably a bit frustrated with his "danglies" urging him to mate.

How's our pretty little girl doing? Any more signs of other kits coming?
she went from 5 lbs even pre prego, to 6.2 lbs yesterday whent he vet weighed her!

the vet jsut called, she is eating, and resting on her back! she onlydoes that when she is really compfy, she is the only bun i know thatgoes all the way on her back!

they thought she had died when they went to check on her! she scared them she is felling better playing tricks on them!

i fell a little better!
The main thing is,at least Hunny is ok...poor little girl,i bet she is glad that it's finally over and done with now

I'm glad to hear that she's doing much better now

the vet called me around 8 while i was outgrosury shopping and told me she was going to the hole foods market toget her some greens, becasue she is eating everything insite! she ate 3/4 cup of oxbow pellets (which she wont touchnormaly) and a hand full of hay! and she wants more!

she said i can take her home tomorrow, after she switches her to oralmeds, she has her on pain meds and anti biotics intermuscularly(shots), and pro biotics oraly..

and she is binking all over the cage! she wants out, she wants to run...

i cant wait to have my baby back! happy and healthy...

do they morn for long.... cause bunz (dad) is very upset... i think itis becasue he misses hunny, they are always near eachother...i think i will let him play with oreo my other foster male tonight toget his mind off things..

I want to thank you all for your support through everthing i have gonethrough the past week. you have been very supportiveand knowledgable, and loving...

thank you all...

and beware... i will be lurking around the boards... perhaps i can help some one out!



Wow! Sounds like Hunny is feeling much better if she wants to run and binky:D:bunnydance::colors: That's great!

Does she have an infection? That's a lot of meds.

It's great that you were able to post the story as it happened, and itwill help. Hopefully other people thinking of breeding their pets orallowing accidents to happen will think twice about it. It's just notworth endangering their pets lives for babies.

Has Bunz been told he's going to get his boy bits removed one day :wink, I bet he wont like that idea!


Hugs to you and your rabbits :hug:
uterin infection she is still leaking puss...

but is feeling way better!

i admint... it was an accident, but i was kinda starting to like the idea of having babies...

oh well.. not worth it!

Here's the reply to a query I made on theShowbunny yahoo group days ago asking if a'leaking' rabbitwas normal. Unfortunately, even though I've been a memberforever, I don't usually post, so they needed to approve my post, whichdidn't happen until today, so not much good.

This one's from one of the top breeders in the country, Barbi Brown..

[email protected] wrote:

It sounds like a uterine infection to me. She needsto see a vet. Baytril is the best drug for uterineinfections. It's not much good for anything else in my humbleopinion. Has anyone checked the doe's temp? Fastaction is imperative with uterine infections.

]Barbi Brown

and here's another one...

Deidre Edder <[email protected]> wrote:

Sounds like the doe has uterine infection; if left untreatedshe could die. Give her a 1/2 cc of Dura Pen or LA Pen for each 5 lbsshe weighs, give her probiotics. She may need some sq fluids.
Deidre Edder
The Phunny Pharm
Breeder of Champion Jersey Wooly and
Netherland Dwarf Rabbits​
thank you for the effort..

wow they r smart!

someday... maybe i will be...
im that way with birds...
ima knowledge sponge...(pat on own pack) LOL

so i guess the vet is good, case she is doing those things, and her temp was 104 when we got to the vet...
and she is getting Baytril and probiotics

and pain meds

so glad i found this forum...
Pam Nock was the smart one. She postedthat back on Pg.1,before she left town, and whenPam thinks there's a problem, I'll pursue it every time no matter whatthe vet says. And she was right again.


pamnock wrote:
Sounds like something iswrong - I'd get her to the vet. She may have a uterineinfection or other complications.

jupiterannette wrote:
wow! i overlooked that

i should have listned...
You did listen. You called the vet. :) It's the vet who should have listened. :lalalala:

Hope she continues to improve! (The bunny, that is, not the vet. Although that too!)

sas ;)
I'm so happy she's home, I know it sounds a bitodd but I feel that I know your rabbit now from seeing her on the camand everything. You've got some beautiful bunnies, you should be proud:bunnydance:.

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