the vet called me around 8 while i was outgrosury shopping and told me she was going to the hole foods market toget her some greens, becasue she is eating everything insite! she ate 3/4 cup of oxbow pellets (which she wont touchnormaly) and a hand full of hay! and she wants more!
she said i can take her home tomorrow, after she switches her to oralmeds, she has her on pain meds and anti biotics intermuscularly(shots), and pro biotics oraly..
and she is binking all over the cage! she wants out, she wants to run...
i cant wait to have my baby back! happy and healthy...
do they morn for long.... cause bunz (dad) is very upset... i think itis becasue he misses hunny, they are always near eachother...i think i will let him play with oreo my other foster male tonight toget his mind off things..
I want to thank you all for your support through everthing i have gonethrough the past week. you have been very supportiveand knowledgable, and loving...
thank you all...
and beware... i will be lurking around the boards... perhaps i can help some one out!