my prego bunn.. Overdue?

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I haven't noted any leaking except those that were in active labor or having problems.

There was also the information given that this doe appeared to be in pain, so I would certainly keep a close watch on her.

ok so no babies yet.... im dying here!

my grandmother had a heart attack the other day, and i have been at the hospital with her off and on, and trying to be here for my babies...

i have a camcorder set up on her nest and she is in "privacy" back dark corner of living room now! LOL

she is not leaking as much now, but her belly is hard as a rock, and she is laying in her nest so i think she is ready..

will keep u all updated
Your doe still isn't overdue....most kindle on the 31st day. Watch for babies tonite!! :shock::colors::wink
he looked at her hoorah, and put an ear scope in there...

and said she looked good, he totaly though they would be here by now! LOL

she is really lethargic today, and isnt eating a hole lot...

and the leaking is more and kinda orangy like there might be some blood mixed in..

she concieved on january 2nd, so if its not tongiht.. i dunno...

better be tonight!:colors:
is anyone gonna be around tonight, that has im?

i jsut think im gonna need some moral and experience support....

my yahoo, is jupiterannette
and my aim, is jupy07734

feel free to check in..

i ahve the night vision camera set up on her nest and im gonna try and get it on the computer so that i can montor her form work...

and you guys can watch the babies!

i kept trying to get it online, but couldnt get it to work.. she didnt have em! grrr, im sooo frustrated...

i hope she is ok,

i went out and got her more straw, bedding, and a new chew tube...

her cage is FULL of stuff to make a nest, so hopefully it will go down soon!

i will try to get her cam set up tonight, and anyone will be able to "vew my cam" from the im.

thank god i never plan on doing this again, the antisipation is killing me!


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