my new rescues

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Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2004
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Savageville, Massachusetts, USA
For any one who reads the rescue me section this will be famiular, if you like to see it there's the link

quick refresh, a friend of mine called me earlier this week, and due to a family breakup she needs to home her 12 rabbits. She has not been living at home for 3 months, and is living an hour away from her rabbits, the person who is *caring* (yes that is sarcasm) for them currently told her she needs to get them out of the house as soon as possible.I know it's hard for her she's had most of the rabbits for years. But she found the courage to call and ask me for help. She asked if I would at least take her hindicap bun Strawberry, I finally told her I could take 4 total. here are their pics below, I have up dated the rescue thread with 5 out of the 8 bunnnies pics that are in need, but they are old pics, at lease I have some pics, below are pics of 3 of the 4 I took, I will get the 4th up soon but I couldn't get him to stay infont of the camera he kept trying to crawl into my lap. I got a mid spine shot but that just wasn't what i was looking for. any rate here are the 4 i took. * more need help so if you know anyone at all who might be able to give them a home, either full time or tempoary till they can find a retirement home plase don't hesitate to contact me.

[email protected]

Meet Strawberry,

Strawberry was born with deformed feet, . she walks on her wrists and while her fur is missing the skin is not raw or irrtated, instead it has formed nice hard calluses. her legs almost look like a person crossing their arms to me.


she was diagnosedwith premature closure of the growth alnur disk plate at 2 weeks old.


she walks on her wrists and while her fur is missing the skin is not raw or irrtated, instead it has formed nice hard calluses. her legs almost look like a person crossing their arms to me.


Meet PJ 8 yearsold.



Meet Del, 7 yr old blue dutch


Captain coming soon he kept trying to leap into my lap.


JadeIcing wrote:

How are the ones you got doing?

doing good, gaining weight, Captain is feeling at home now he was unsure first few days, but is feeling very comfortable now. will be a while before their coats come in good.

Took Del to work on Thursday because it felt like he had a mass opposite of his stomach.. felt felt it and made a OMG face, i said see now you know why i wanted you to check it. We xrayed him, it's actually his stomach, but there doesn't appear to be any masses(growth) in it. vet feels the lack of fiber has caused his stomach and gut to to slow down , so it builds up, and isn't emptying out completely. he's pooping fine, but with him pigging out from lack of eating plus being skinny you can feel his stomach on both sides. She says you know he needs to gain weight Um yeah who do you think your talking to LOL she was in Dr mode...

she feels that with proper diet his digestive system should get back on track, we will let the diet try and kick in first and not interfere unless he has a slow down in poop production, which is not showing any signs of a slow down*knock on wood*.

Strawberry is eating and slowly gaining weight, but slow is a good thing. at least she's gaining, she's very bony with a rough coat, but that will change.., PJ is in decent condition I think because he's so small. he should get a decent coat in when he blows his current one.

Basically they just all need a lot of TLC and a good diet oh wait and to be fed daily....don't get me started on that......:grumpy:

I am hoping we have put a good swift kick of motivation to do the min care at the very least.. I suggested that it would be easier to rehome them that way. so the owner is suppose to be motivating the caretaker.

On additional note, not everyone at work knew the whole story about the buns, I only told a few, everyone was admiring Del though and Del is a love bug and a snuggle bug. you put your face down and he pushes his forehead to your lips for a kiss.

So most of the people thought he was one of mine I'd had a while who was having a medical issue, just by the way he interacted with me. afraid I can't take any credit for it he's just naturally a sweet bun...
crap I thought I added captains picture... MY bad

here's captain.


strawberry showing her belly and legs


this is how strawberry walks see her bent leg how she stands on her wrist

Oh, bless you for your compassion on these bunners!! They are adorable, even if they aren't in the best condition.

Re: Captain...what a handsome guy! I love black Dutch buns..see my avaitar ;)

Re: Strawberry...We have a bun, Moo-Moo, who walks on one of her "wrists" also. I her case, we thinkher foot was broken while she was with her former owners. Anyway, it's disconcerting to see that poor crooked foot - but it really doesn't seem to bother her. She's used to it.

Please keep us updated...including pictures, of course!
wabbitmom12 wrote:
Oh, bless you for your compassion on these bunners!! They are adorable, even if they aren't in the best condition.

Re: Captain...what a handsome guy! I love black Dutch buns..see my avaitar ;)

Re: Strawberry...We have a bun, Moo-Moo, who walks on one of her "wrists" also. I her case, we thinkher foot was broken while she was with her former owners. Anyway, it's disconcerting to see that poor crooked foot - but it really doesn't seem to bother her. She's used to it.

Please keep us updated...including pictures, of course!

Captain is actually blue, it's his rough coat that makes him look darker. When it comes in nice I'll take another pic and post them side by side ;-) But yes he's a handsome devil either way.

I'm pretty sure one the reasons it dsoesn't phase her is because it's been like that since she was a wee lil kit, so she doesn't know any different. believe me she's fast and feisty with the crooked feet LOL can only imagine if she didn't have those slowing her down LOL

I think the majority of deformitys the biggestes issue isn't that they cause the owner of said deformity any roblems, because often times they don't know how to live without it, they'd had it their whole lifes, it's those looking on who see it as an abnormality that have a hard time looking at it because it's different.

I will try and remember to continue my updates, I really thought I had posted captains pic in here already, but it must have been on BLU (bunny forum on flickr).

Gabby, I just noticed the strangest thing!! I wasn't paying close enough attention earlier, but our bun who has the broken foot is also a hotot mix. (I assume from the lovely "eyeliner" and blackish ears that's what Strawberry is.)

I wonder if the wrist thing is a genetic flaw? Obviously, any bun could have the condition, but are the hotots more prone?

Here's a picture of Moo Moo. This is an older one, and the funny foot is harder to notice, but it is her left foot. You can already see how it bends in.



Obviously, we live too far apart for Strawberry and Moo Moo to share a bloodline, but it just struck me as odd. Maybe Moo Moo's foot condition is a growth plate issue, instead of an actual break.
wabbitmom12 wrote:
Gabby, I just noticed the strangest thing!! I wasn't paying close enough attention earlier, but our bun who has the broken foot is also a hotot mix. (I assume from the lovely "eyeliner" and blackish ears that's what Strawberry is.)

I wonder if the wrist thing is a genetic flaw? Obviously, any bun could have the condition, but are the hotots more prone?

Here's a picture of Moo Moo. This is an older one, and the funny foot is harder to notice, but it is her left foot. You can already see how it bends in.



Obviously, we live too far apart for Strawberry and Moo Moo to share a bloodline, but it just struck me as odd. Maybe Moo Moo's foot condition is a growth plate issue, instead of an actual break.

you have a Beautiful bun, and while most people assume Strawberry is a hotot mix, I actually know her mix, because she was an "oops" at that house 8 years ago. Her mum is a dutch and her dad a holland lop.

One of strawberry's sibblings came out looking just like a hotot

She never meant for it to happen hence the "oops" and found out after that the dad should prob never father kits, he's got some screwed up genes. (no not in reguards to strawberry, something different that is sensitive description so I wont post it here)

any rate at the time it happened half the kits were weak and had to be hand fed. I visited way more often than I should of and was attached to 2 of the babies.

when they were old enough she showed up on my doorstep with 3 of the babies.. HMMM.. but it worked out, 2 of them were so bonded from baby hood they are inseperable.

This is where you get the paul harvey's the rest of the story.

it's one the ways I was able to pick which 4 I took, by their relation to my buns.

THe 3 that I already had that are Strawberry's sibblings, are as Follows Blueberry(Boo), Lilac and Autumn.

In the 4 I just took Strawberry and PJ are sibblings from the same group. So I have all 5 sibblings together in one place. Granted I know they don't think of things like we do, but It was what helped me pick the 4.

PJ got dads size just not the ears. while Boo got dads ears a broken pattern a roundish nose and long body.. Autumn and Lilac.. hmm not sure who they look like.. not mom or dad..

Gabby wrote:

you have a Beautiful bun, and while most people assume Strawberry is a hotot mix, I actually know her mix, because she was an "oops" at that house 8 years ago. Her mum is a dutch and her dad a holland lop.

:bagheadOh my goodness! So much for knowing my breeds! But, I guess, we can't know what all of the "mixed" combos would look like....

Well then, I suppose we don't know for 100% sure that Moo Moo is a hotot mix either, as we are not her original owners, and have never had any contact with them. (She was a pet store "drop off".) I just never considered that other "combos" would have the beautiful eyeliner. ;)

What a ton of cuties! I'm so glad they're in your home and you're taking such good care of them. It's often really hard to ID the bunnies that are just "broken" or "charlies" (ie double broken gene) and they often get called hotots or english spots.
wabbitmom12 wrote:
Gabby wrote:

you have a Beautiful bun, and while most people assume Strawberry is a hotot mix, I actually know her mix, because she was an "oops" at that house 8 years ago. Her mum is a dutch and her dad a holland lop.

:bagheadOh my goodness! So much for knowing my breeds! But, I guess, we can't know what all of the "mixed" combos would look like....

Well then, I suppose we don't know for 100% sure that Moo Moo is a hotot mix either, as we are not her original owners, and have never had any contact with them. (She was a pet store "drop off".) I just never considered that other "combos" would have the beautiful eyeliner. ;)
hey that's ok, unless they come with a book saying hey my mum was a dutch and flemmish giant and my day a polish and mini lop how would you know... Hey and imagine the kit that'd come from that match up....:shock: :biggrin2:
Gabby wrote:
hey that's ok, unless they come with a book saying hey my mum was a dutch and flemmish giant and my day a polish and mini lop how would you know... Hey and imagine the kit that'd come from that match up....:shock: :biggrin2:
Oh my! That would be some match up! We have both flemmies and dutch....not only would the size be an issue, but I wonder about the markings.:shock2: They might be really unusual!
tonyshuman wrote:
What a ton of cuties! I'm so glad they're in your home and you're taking such good care of them. It's often really hard to ID the bunnies that are just "broken" or "charlies" (ie double broken gene) and they often get called hotots or english spots.
thanks they are cute, and ever so sweet. now hopefully i can find their former house mates homes...
wabbitmom12 wrote:
Gabby wrote:
hey that's ok, unless they come with a book saying hey my mum was a dutch and flemmish giant and my day a polish and mini lop how would you know... Hey and imagine the kit that'd come from that match up....:shock: :biggrin2:
Oh my! That would be some match up! We have both flemmies and dutch....not only would the size be an issue, but I wonder about the markings.:shock2: They might be really unusual!

haha all breeds i've had in my house.. currently I have 3 of those breeds.. but was an amusing thought brought on by a dog I know who come to the clinic who a yorkie/ german shepherd X or one the other whos a shar pei/ chihuahua/ basset hound X.......

people don't need to "create designer dogs" the mixes out there already have.. they're calls mutts... ok this reaction from one my co-workers looking at the paper and seeing basically every dog listed was some half breed cross, and sold for twice the $ amt that a pure breed of either breed would..
Gabby you're amazing for rescuing these buns!! :great:

And congratulations, what a bunch of cuties you got too! Looking at these pictures of these rabbits really puts hope back into the world knowing that there are still kind hearted people such as yourself!


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