My new foster family

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Well, the little family turned 11 weeks old on the 25th of December.

I should have known beter to think my Mom would be able to give them up. Mom is disabled and stays at home almost exclusively so these guys have been her lifeline and joy for a long time.

We didn't want to place any before Christmas (didnt want them to be Christmas gifts), wanted to get them vetted and fixed before they went to new homes.

Mom has been VERY upset thinking about having to part with them. On Christmas Dad "gave" them to Mom. He said it would be ok with him if they kept the dogs. Of course, he didnt say it out loud, but it was on his face just how attached he is to them too!

I'm uploading pictures now - I hope they aren't all fuzzy :(

Here are the pups:

Chloe the female in the back, Xavier the big boy in the front laying in an identical pose and Jacques (Jack) laying on the blanket inbetweent them.


My brother and his wife decided against taking a puppy in since theyhave so much going on in their lives right now.

Since I posted this a lot has happened here, including my learning that Kodiak (Coda, one of my dogs) has a liver shunt that cannot surgically be corrected. The vets estimate a very shortened lifespan for her. She turned a year old on Dec 25th, and the possibility of her seeing her 2nd birthday is not really expected.

Another pic of the pups:

Xavier in the back, Chloe squished in front and Jacques on the right.


Very, very tearfully Mom did part with one of the puppies. She sent Jacques (who I'll call Jack) home with me to see how he'd do with my dogs. He was VERY stuck up and didnt want much to do with them but he did take the time to lick and love on Coda quite a bit.

He had a huge day yesterday so we'll see how it goes today and in the next few days. Mom wants him back if things dont work out. With me he is a doll but as the timid one of the litter he is very shy with the dogs he doesnt know.


Give your dad a big hug for me when you see him again! Those dogs are absolutely precious! I have to say, tho, they look to be a bit on the rotten side!!! LOL! I bet they are all little imps!

Jack is just so cute! I'm really pulling for him doing well with you! but at least if he doesn't do well, you can take him back to your mom and that probably gives you less stress trying to bond him into the group. I also think he's probably good for Coda.