It's been awhile since I've written in my blog! I had a hard time even finding it, it's buried so deep below the other blogs! lol! I thought I'd better update this a bit. Here's the news:
One day DH was looking out a window and said "why is your rabbit running around the backyard?" OMG! I went out and caught him. I saw that I left the slider open and he had chewed a hole right through the screen door! So I fenced in the patio and left the hole in the door. Now he can go in and out all day!
Hershey has been neutered. All went well. He goes back Monday for a recheck. He didn't chew at his stitches or anything. He's such a goooood bunny! For the first week, he didn't seem himself. Kinda slow and not as happy as usual. But by now he is pretty much his ol' self! I'm glad cause I was worried he wouldn't be as snuggly or something!
He likes going for rides with me when I do errands. He even loves riding in his sling I made for him!
He even seems to enjoy going for hikes in his sling with me!
Yesterday, I had to clean the outdoor turtle pond, so I let him run around the enclosure while I worked. He practiced running reeeaaally fast around the pond. Then he practiced his quick reverse direction moves. He nibbled some grass, and did a little more exploring. After about an hour he must have been tired out, because he came over and sat by my feet in his "pick me up" way. I picked him up and he snuggled against my neck and fell asleep!
Let's say it all together now: "Awwwwwwwwwwwww"