Sarah alford
I got my 10 week old rabbit just under a week ago, she's been letting me pet her for 2 days, has been showing all classic signs she's happy then today she has licked me! Over the moon at how well she is settling in.
She is a house bunny with full roam of the house, when I'm not in she has her cage withing a pen, just until she's fully toilet trained and I'm confident I have my flat completely rabbit proofed.
For tips, as she's young I haven't been giving her treats as I've been advised not to, but I have been mimicking her actions, sitting her on me and petting her just before letting her have run of the flat, grooming her every other day.
I recently cut her nails and was scared this would make her scared of me, and she was, but as soon as she noticed she was no longer catching on the carpet she loved it.
Any advice on how to further bond with my bunny, I've been researching, but a lot of it doesn't match her personality as she's a dwarf and a little more skiddish than other breeds.
She is a house bunny with full roam of the house, when I'm not in she has her cage withing a pen, just until she's fully toilet trained and I'm confident I have my flat completely rabbit proofed.
For tips, as she's young I haven't been giving her treats as I've been advised not to, but I have been mimicking her actions, sitting her on me and petting her just before letting her have run of the flat, grooming her every other day.
I recently cut her nails and was scared this would make her scared of me, and she was, but as soon as she noticed she was no longer catching on the carpet she loved it.
Any advice on how to further bond with my bunny, I've been researching, but a lot of it doesn't match her personality as she's a dwarf and a little more skiddish than other breeds.