My new addition

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Haha Carley! She binkies in her cage and its very cute! :)

And yeah I'm short! All of 5'1" so I tend to make everything look bigger! LOL. Lilly is very lanky and long for sure.

Thanks, Crystal. I'm loving her.
For all those inquiring minds about her size. Here's a pic of her "posed" to the best of our ability. I was lucky she sat there long enough for me to get one decent pic out of three attempts. LOL


Annnndddd.... I weighed her. I was a bit off. She's much heavier than I thought she was. Actually shocked. She weighs a whopping 8 lbs! So not far off the average weight and already. I hope she gets much heavier.

I also measured her ears, which was NOT easy mind you. I'm probably a bit off since it was hard to get her to sit still for that also. She's a busy body, no doubt about it. A true Elop! :) LOL 19" for her ears so far. She's only got a month of ear growth left and then skull growth.

Any special food for fast ear growth? She could use some! LOL

I love her either way.
It looks like Miss Lilly is going to be a herd doe and not a show doe. :( I'm a little bummed, but what can I do. I love her and she's part of the family now. Her ears just aren't going to make minimum length, even though her pedigree is full of great ears and four GC's.

So I'm trying to make arrangements for a show doe from a breeder in California of all places! She's having two judges come look at her babies today for opinions on who to keep and who to sell.... price points.... It will be another broken, possibly a blue.

Will keep ya posted. Otherwise, Lilly is great. She's a very sweet bun.
Despite her shorter ear length, we all love her to pieces. She's so funny and sweet. I love her personality.

All the bunnies got outdoor play time last week and I took pics. Here's a few pics of her outside in the bunny play pen. She had an absolute ball out there.

Mid binky! I video taped her, too. :)


My favorite pic of her so far!! She's so flippin cute!!!! :D Note her wittle toofer milk moustache. AWWWWWWW!


Checking out the grass... yummy stuff...


Lisa, I read in a book a long time ago that the warmer the area an ELop is kept in the longer their ears will be. I asked a judge about it and he confirmed that it is true.
Thanks gals! Sorry Elizabeth. My BF likes the lop ears and also the fuzzy ones, but no fuzzy lop yet! LOL Our next breed will be Cinnamons (aka cinnabuns... :D.)

I love this little girl, just wished I could show her!!
CCWelch wrote:
Lisa, I read in a book a long time ago that the warmer the area an ELop is kept in the longer their ears will be. I asked a judge about it and he confirmed that it is true.

yes, that is true to an extent. But either way 16 weeks is pretty much the ear growth limit. and then with age you may get a 1/2 inch more.

I'm trying to find the chart a friend sent me on their ear growth and I seemed to have erased it, but am hoping to find it on his page.
Predicting adult ear length on an English Lop is not an exact science. From the age of six weeks on until the age of 16 weeks (approximate age of ear growth completion), on average, one can expect a total of 6" growth in addition to the measurement taken at the age of 6 weeks. Between 6 and 8 weeks of age, one can expect on average 2 1/2" of growth; 8 to 10 weeks another 1 1/2"; 10 to 12 weeks - 1"; 12 to 14 weeks - 1/2".

The following guideline may help in determining final ear length in an adult based on junior length:

Length at Six weeks: Expected Senior length:
15" 21"
16" 22"
17" 23"
18" 24"
19" 25"

Further growth of approximately 1/2" may be obtained through skull development.

Well she's in my house which is more than 72 degrees anytime of year and 75 in the summer so the A/C doesn't run constantly and just takes the humidity out of the air. If I can get 2 1/2" before she reaches 16 weeks, then I could show her! :D

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