My name is okiron

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I have googled my name before and not much came up... but I'd never thought of googling my usernames! Mouse_chalk doesn't come up with much but another one that I use on non-rabbit sites had LOADS of listings, including one that had my email address :shock:

That's a very scary thought!
mouse_chalk wrote:

I have googled my name before and not much came up... but I'd never thought of googling my usernames! Mouse_chalk doesn't come up with much but another one that I use on non-rabbit sites had LOADS of listings, including one that had my email address :shock:

That's a very scary thought!
As long as naked pics dont come up you should be ok,lol
There was an interesting Dr. Phil show yesterday concerning things people post on the internet. They said that potential employers routinely google a person's name and pictures, etc. they post on the internet can adversely affect the chances of getting a job.
Yes, I know all about that! I'm on Facebook, and have been off sick for nearly 7 months now (see my blog for details), and in August I went on the public holiday for a picnic with my friends in the park. I hadn't been out for ages, and wanted to get out of the house for a bit and cheer myself up. There were pictures of me taken, and my name tagged on them.....

The next week I had to go in for a meeting with my manager and she told me she'dheard the pictures and accused me of being out partying when I'm off sick! Now none of my colleagues will talk to me cos they all think I'm faking being ill and work don't believe me so they're trying to sack me...!!:X(My profile is completely private to non-friends now)

So yeah, lesson learned, be very careful of what's on the internet!:)
mouse_chalk that is not fair in your case, i mean it is not like you put them out there, someone else took pics, and its not like you can keep people from taking pics of you.

Tell me about it! And also, since when does going to a field, eating some sandwiches and fruit and watching your friends kick a football around equal partying?!?!

It's ok though, when they do sack me in a couple of weeks, I plan to sue the pants off of them! :biggrin2:plus I'll be rid of the stress and hassle of them! (But broke though... :X)