My name is Bunnymommy ... and I am a 'treataholic' ... :-(

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I missed BunnyMommy's posts, so I'm bringing this one back around for those that didn't see it.

That was a funny one. Good choice. She's alwaysso funny. I wonder how her treataholism is going. Maybe ol' Sherman ison the wagon.

My Pepper loves his cereal and he begs with hissweet little look and we always give in.I was just wondering if weshould even give him the cereal?His favorite cereal is Cinnamon toastcrunch.

I wouldn't suggest cereal, but if you do choose that route, Cheerios isa much better choice because of the sugar content. You want to keep theamount of sugar down because it's so bad for their systems.

Glucose, I would think, would be healthier for them than pure cane, butsugar is sugar and it really isn't very good for rabbits.


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I wonder too, Sarah, how her treataholic addiction is going.

I allow my rabbits to have a treat of non frostedmini shredded wheats. They get it 2 times a week and boy do they loveit! I give them 2 to 3 pieces each serving... its the only ceral iagree giving to rabbits besides cherrios (plain stuff..although myrabbits don't like it!) and old fashion quaker oats (its like chocolatein my rabbit barn!)



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