Thanks, you guys.
Patti...I think I am fine to travel by tomorrow. I can deal with it. Luckily, my cheeks are not swollen. I think pea-bagging them all day yesterday helped me. We just need to figure out if I can bring my meds with me on the airplane? I think I will be fine without percoset (makes me dizzy, anyway)..but I still need my mouthwash, high strength ibuprofen, and antibiotics.
I am on percoset and running around like crazy right now trying to get everything in order.....laundry done, dishes done, pack, gotta get the rats all fresh & clean, fresh cat box & bunny litter boxes...etc. I need to write down my animal care sheets becuase I never got a chance to print them off (our printer isn't working).
Ryan is going with me, yes.
Right now I am waiting on my mom to call me, to let me know when exactly she wants us to fly out there. We are going to be all ready to go tomorrow morning. I think we will have her give us her credit card number, so we can order tickets.
Ugh....I hate being frazzled. I'm in a panic attack and on percoset :lookaround.