Does she know what a lop is? Explain that there are kinds of rabbits that are lops and one of the parents could be lop, causing your bunny's ears to flop.
Does she know what a lop eared rabbit is? It might help to explain why the ears are lopped instead of upright. You can then tell them that since the lop is due to the shape of the top of the head (crown), that the trait can be passed down if one parent is a lop or there is some lop in the background.
You could try to explain that external ears (the part you see) are made up of what is called elastic cartilage. Unlike the other cartilage types, it has elastic fibers (in addition to collagen fibers), which help to maintain the rigidity and elasticity of the tissue, basically allowing it to stand up and return to the normal shape when you bend it etc. Some ears have less elastic fibers, which make the ear "floppy" or not erect. Some species and breeds have less elastic fibers in their elastic cartilage as part of their genetic makeup (ie a lop). All in all, you cant "break" an can damage the cartilage but it will reform