My Magical Bunnies

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Your clothes could still smell though I guess. Glad they aren't attacking anymore! I'm so happy Flashie is alright. Poor lil guy's been through enough. :expressionless How cool is that about his eye though? Hehehe. Bet you are glad it can be helpful :)
i think i may be leaving RO soon.. maybe this isnt the place for me...if anybody wants to keep in touch with me my email address is
[email protected]

there are times that maybe people dont word things properly in their posts and need to be reminded of it but there are also times that maybe a thank you for participating and offering ur time and hours of research when others werent available..would be nice cant just reprimand someone and not even it out with positives ..eventually people leave...prob why its so slow around here at times and there are very few people who are involved on a regular basis.
:tears2: Oh lisa. I don't want you to go...I don't want you to leave. You're the reason for me to be a better bunny mom. Since we first met and talked, I'm so thankful that we've known each other. I hope you will change your mind. :( Are you bored of us ??? Please don't go :(
i agree with previous couple of posts!!! why would you even consider leaving RO. i love your blog you are super helpful to people and are really an inspirational bunny rescuer and champion of all things bunny!!! i love Flashie and the crew.... Whats the problem i don't really understand your post?????
Thanks guys for being so sweet..but ive been spending way too much time on here and all the regulars arent very friendly or accepting of new guys can reach me anytime on my email i posted ..seriously id luv if u guys kept in touch with me:)
Oh no!! :( I hate that you feel like you have to go. :( I will add your email but I'm not good at remembering to check it.
hi Flash Gordon, I don't know why it took me so long to check your blog.. I didn't get any warnings about it being on the website but now I clicked on "watch topic" and I'll get all the updates about it. You have some nice pets, don't you? :) I love the pics, they are so-o-o-o cute!!!! It's like an overdose of cuteness here!! I'll have to come back later to read it all, unfortunately we humans have to do this thing called "work".. heheh but your blog is really nice, I'll check it often!
:) Yes, Flash Gordon has super duper cute bunnies and she's a lovely owner. She's inspired me a lot on how to care for animals. :( I wish she would come back and update her blog again.
We miss you, Lisa.
For the love of the buns. :hearts