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The bunnies are all doing great! They are healthy and happy :)

which makes me happy :biggrin2:

They are wonderful! Which makes me tempted to get, yet another.
I found one last night that is a harlequin mini rex female who just weened a litter of babies. She is up for adoption now and she is so sweet and cute!

Ill keep you updated.

Ok, Sooo.

I called the lady with the harlequin mini rex female and i will be picking her up SATURDAY!
I am SO excited! She is around 2 years old and VERY sweet from what the lady said. She just weaned a litter of babies and is looking for a home of her own. And i am giving her just that!

Here are a few pics of her before she had her babies:

Lieoh :)




Lol she is so cute and FAT lol its the duelap. I am so HAPPY you decided to get her!!! CANT WAIT FOR MORE PICS!!!
I will explain everything about the pics. Read on.

Ok, This is there cage. YES, i know it is VERY small but its what came with one of the piggies. So it will have to work untill i get them a new one this week. I DID get them LOTS of toys and nice things though so that they are happy :) Here are the pics of the cage.

Front view:

Right view:

Left view:

Middle view:

And now,

Pics of the piggies :biggrin2:

This is Razzberri, She is 6 months old. girl. Kinda timid but i can work with her, She loves to cuddle once she calms down though. She is all white with the bed head fur and she has pretty BLUE eyes!

And this is Blakberri, She is only 4 months old. She is a mommy(just weaned a baby). She is EVERY sweet and LOVES to be held. Her fur is weird, its like corse and kinda curly..Its so cute! I really like her.

These are pics of both of them...





And this little guy is the baby to Blakberri, he was the piggy i WAS originally going to get but HE turned out to be a HE and not a SHE so i took his mommy instead:D(This pic is of him on the day he was born)

Update on the buns and piggies!

The guinea pigs are doing very well. They are a LOT less work than the bunnies by A LOT!!! I have been giving them lots of love and kisses.
Butterscotch LOVES the piggies, he is always trying to get into there cgae,chewing the bars and wanting in, the piggies come to greet him and they rub noses, its SOOO cute!
All the animals are doing good. I love them SO much!

I didn't know you updated. For some reason I don't get notices on all the posts/threads! :(

I'm gladevery one isdoing well. It's good to hear you like the piggies as pets. :)Pic's??? PLEASE :biggrin2: