Larry is right. He may have worded it to where you are envisioning what a dog does OR maybe you are thinking he means more forceful tactics you may use with a dog, but that's not what he means.
Momma buns "pin" or push down on kits head/shoulder areas to teach them so it is a very common tactic for humans to use on their rabbits as well. I myself have used it

of course, it is done gently (but firmly) and only hold them there for a few seconds but it definetly works.
Being alpha is most definetly needed to "train" rabbits. Again, different tactics when you are speaking of dogs, but if you back down from unwanted behavior inna bunny, it teaches them to continue said behavior and they will walk all over you
So in this situation, with a bunny biting and lunging at the hand, there is opinion that some assertiveness on the owners part should be taken. Sometimes you can even pick up bunny and flip on their back just to reiterate, so to speak, who is top bun.
With all that being said, sometimes cage aggressiveness (if this is what this is) cannot be avoided with some rabbits. They can be sweet as pie out of the cage, but different inside. I myself have never even let them get cage aggressive. I reach in, touch them, grab food bowls, pick them up, just to make sure they know I'm alpha bun.